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This seems to us to be an entirely new gimmick. Thanks, Woracle....
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My better half cracked what was going on at an early stage. Good fun.
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Magnificent construction and rich in thematic material. Thanks very much, JFD....
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Absolutely brilliant idea and execution. Thanks, Twin....
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The clues were a little too simple but the end game added a bit of a challenge. Thanks, Karla....
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Lovely, thanks, Kea. I really enjoy this type of puzzle so it was always going to please me, but add to that terrific clues (as you might expect) and for me that’s perfect. The final highlighting took...
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Excellent (if somewhat simple) puzzle - great fun around a couple of subjects which are personal favourites of mine. Thanks Brock...
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I had just finished, and thoroughly enjoyed, a Hedge-sparrow puzzle in Magpie and found myself treated to another directly. This one looked daunting from the preamble, but it didn’t turn out to be too...
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I found this very easy, but very enjoyable too - confirmation that a puzzle can be both things. The only downside is that I have no excuse not to go back and try to finish last week’s. Thanks very...
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The perimeter entries were a great help once the link between them became clear. The ungenerous checking is a serious obstacle when you've got letters latent, uncertain entry points and some very...
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A clever idea with plenty of thematic material in the grid (once you knew what the theme was.) Some easy clues got me started but then things slowed a bit with one or two fairly obscure definitions...
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Another odd one here. There were some terrific clues, and enough entries to get in quickly. The moving words were nicely done, and none too obvious. I really enjoyed the solve, and a nice PDM as to...
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Have just taken up my £1 special offer for first month of my Times subscription, and do hope I shall get better value for money in the coming weeks. I regret to say that this is just not up to...

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