The Ding family had a son whom they named William. He grew up to become a famous architect. In fact, he traveled all over the world, designing massive structures. He was even hired to design entire... ...
A man walks into a bar and slumps on the bar stool. He says to the barman 'Give me six double brandies' The barman raises an eyebrow and says 'That's a lot of booze. Had a rough day?' The man sighs... ...
I went to the doctors yesterday and told him that every time I cough, I hear words like knight, bishop, pawn and queen . He said I had a chess infection.
One day, a young girl is walking through a park when she hears a faint, “Help me, help me.” She looks around and follows the quiet voice to a bush near the path. Looking under the bush she spies a... ...
Some scumbags have nicked our tree. Bring back the birch I say !!!! ___ I don't normally fart in burger king but when I do it's a whopper! ___ Last night l slept with the bedside light on, people may... ...
Bond 007 was sitting at the bar and kept looking at his watch. A pretty young lady sitting near him asked 'are you waiting for someone'. ' No' replies Bond 'Q has given me this new watch which is... ...
A group of 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders, accompanied by 2 female teachers, went on a field trip to the local race track to learn about thoroughbred horses and the sporting industry, but mostly to see... ...
I went to a psychic but knocked her crystal ball off the table and broke it. It cost me a fortune. My wife started mumbling in bed last night ,"I wrote Lord of the Rings, I wrote The Hobbit". I... ...
I just found a half frozen tiny bird as I walked home, so I put it in my pocket to give it a chance of survival. When I showed the wife, she told me how much she loved me for being so kind and... ...
I went to the annual Native American dance contest yesterday , unfortunately it was canceled because of the rain. ___ The U.S. has announced it will be launching a space ship to apologise to the... ...
1st Prisoner."do you want to buy a ticket for the warders ball" ?. 2nd Prisoner. " Nah thanks I can't dance" 1st Prisoner. " It's not a dance , it's a raffle... ...