For 7 months I have been trying to get the Department for pensions to explain to me why they have only allowed me 27/35 of the full pension when for years and years according to their own records... ...
We have an LPA with a Building society for an elderly relative. When setting it up we were told by said BS that all mail and statements, cards etc would now come to us instead of the donors... ...
If friend or family let you live rent -free or at discounted rate , is this considered a gift for tax puposes ? (I am aware £3000 is the gift limit per year)
I have my daughters nsi details but I was wondering how she gains access of it now she is 18. Her father set up the bonds but I'm not sure how it works now. Her father is trying to say she can't... ...
Hi there I am seriously considering joining Reform political party and you have to pay £25. I only have a debit card linked to my bank account but not a credit card. I'm just a bit worried that my... ...
How do i go about submitting these readings to British Gas. I am a landlord, and was told i was supposed to submit the current readings to British Gas after my tenant left. I have had a look at... ...
Have just had 48,500 points stolen from my Sainsbury's Nectar card. Still have my card. Reported problem and will get refund. Contacted one of the stores where it was used and gave time and date... ...
Since the early seventies ive owned about £50 worth of premium bonds(when you got them paper style).Ive lost them years ago and changed address a few times.Is there anyway i can find out if i have... ...
My coworker is leaving her job soon so we decided to have a muck about and take a couple of selfies of us both on my phone. One photo didn't turn out very well and she hated it. I told her I'd... ...