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The AnswerBank Privacy Policy
The following provides details about our Privacy Policy. This policy only applies to The AnswerBank website and not to the websites of other companies, individuals or organisations to which we provide links.
Looking to change which cookies you consented to? Click the link to Change Consent and click on the More Options button that appears to see and amend which vendors you have consented to.
Why do we need your e-mail address?
To make sure that all information and responses from the editorial staff reach the right person.
To notify you when someone has answered your question.
To provide you with news and updates concerning The AnswerBank.
What other personal data does The AnswerBank collect?
Only the name, username and password you entered when you signed up. This is to protect your privacy and ensure that other people cannot sign on to the site in your name without your permission. The AnswerBank may request further personal information in the future in order to improve our website and services.
If we are requested by the police or any regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities, or in response to a UK court order, to access and disclose individually identifiable information concerning your activities whilst using our website, we shall do so (but we will, where reasonably practicable, notify you in advance of any court order). We also reserve the right to disclose individually identifiable information to third parties where a complaint arises concerning your use of our website, and that use is deemed by us inconsistent with this policy.
The AnswerBank takes privacy very seriously. Please note that the AnswerBank does not share any personal identifiable information to advertisers. We will not sell or give any personal contact information of any kind of AB users who sign up for the 'Paid for your Views' polls.
What happens if The AnswerBank gets sold?
As we continue to develop our business, it is possible that we might sell The AnswerBank or enter into agreements with co-partners, or buy other businesses or assets. In such transactions, customer information generally is one of the transferred business assets. In the event of a sale, your personal information may therefore be sold, traded or licensed to third parties (who may be located outside the European Economic Area).
How can I update my personal information?
We utilise a personal profile page at the 'Sign-in' page, which enables you to update your personal information at any time. This allows us to maintain accurate and up to date personal data. Once logged in you can edit your profile here.
I wish to unsubscribe from The AnswerBank Newsletter
To unsubscribe from our Newsletter please visit here to edit your profile and untick the "Subscribe to newsletter" tickbox. Once unticked you must confirm your change by scrolling down the page and clicking the submit button. Once your change is saved you should no longer receive The AnswerBank Newsletter. Alternatively you can click the "unsubscribe" link found in all our email newsletters.
I wish to no longer receive updates about a question I've subscribed to
To stop receiving email updates to a question you've subscribed to you can either:
1. Visit the question you're subscribed to (this can easily be found in your profile) and click the "unsubscribe" link.
2. Click the unsubscribe link in the email alerts.
For more information on your profile and using the site, please check out our FAQ.
Who makes sure we keep our word?
Any details which you provide to us from which we can identify you are protected by the Data Protection Act.
Does The AnswerBank use cookies?
Yes. Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer by your browser. We use them to save information that helps you - for example to save you entering your personal details every time you re-visit the site. The cookies contain no personal details about you. You can disable cookies by changing your browser preferences, but may find you have to enter the same information over and over again if you use a personalised part of the service regularly.
Do AnswerBank advertisers use cookies?
Yes. AnswerBank works with several partners to directly or indirectly serve advertisements to the site. Adverts are an important way of providing revenue to The AnswerBank, which is completely free at the point of use. Advertising cookies do not contain personal details such as your name, telephone number or address. They may however be use for re-targeting campaigns and assuring you are not displayed averts more than a certain number of times per session. We believe that relevant and interesting adverts are important for maintaining site quality.
What is the best way to see what kind of cookies are being served to me?
To be absolutely sure as to which cookies you're allowing to be downloaded by your browser please change your browser content settings to "prompt". This is usually found under the content or privacy tab of your browser's internet options.
Can I change which cookies I consent to receiving?
Looking to change which cookies you consented to? Click the link to Change Consent and click on the More Options button that appears to see and amend which vendors you have consented to.
Can you give me some examples of the kind of cookies used by The AnswerBank?
Certainly! The table below should offer some clarity as to the types of cookies we use and the kinds of cookies you may see on your system after using The AnswerBank:
NOTE: Due to the nature of our advertising partners we cannot list all cookies used on The AnswerBank, we have provided examples of a few of the advertisers running through our partners to offer a sense of the kind of cookies used.
Cookie File Name | Cookie Type | Use On The AnswerBank |
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz | Google tracking cookies | These kinds of cookies let us know if you're a new or returning visitor, time on site, the last page you were on and other useful analytics features. We use these to measure site performance and membership. More information on Google cookies can be found here |
OAID (from | AnswerBank OpenX Advertising tracking Cookie | This allows us to track how many people have seen adverts on the page, independent of the advertisers being shown. It is important to us know how many adverts we can display, otherwise our relationships with advertisers may become compromised. |
__atuvc, xtc, uid, uvc, uit, psc | Social Sharing Buttons | The AnswerBank uses AddThis to make sharing our content easy. These cookies control elements such as the look of the button, it's interactings with users, whether a user has already shared an item and how many "shares" of an item there has been. More information on's Privacy policy and cookies can be found here |
PHPSESSID, abui, abuish | AnswerBank Cookies | These are cookies which help improve the user experience of The AnswerBank - such as remembering whether a member is logged in or previously entered text when a user enters a question without being logged in. |
subID camp_freq_p1, impressions_p1, io_freq_p1, SWID, OAID, OACBLOCK, _OACCAP[2591}, OACCAP, SWID, OAID, OXLIA | Advertiser Cookies | These are example cookies from a few advertisers (from:, and The purposes of these include: ensuring a user only sees a certain number of particular adverts per session, counting the number of impressions and re-targeting previous customers. |