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Linzi84 | 15:00 Wed 13th Oct 2004 | Technology
13 Answers

Someone recently hacked into my hotmail and messed up everything! I have changed my password and secret question, is there any way they will be able to hack into it again?



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Without doubt, by the same means they did first time
Question Author
How would they have done it I don't understand?
You can't 'hack' hotmail, the only way they could of got in was by guessing or knowing your password. (Or possibly 'secret' question, depending on how that bit works).
Another way is that they have installed a key recorder software on ur machine that records every keystroke and sends it to the guy who installed it ....he then sifts thru and finds ur password....
Question Author
Thanks guys, so bluedolphin, they obviously would have had to have access to my machine to do that wouldn't they?
Someone hacked into my account on friendsreunited and changed all my personal details. I never found out til i bumped into some old school friends, asked me how i was doing, how the job was and whether these (gesturing towards my boobs) were the new ones?? It turned out that apparently i was moving to poland where i was getting a boob job and becoming a porn star. Hmmm, thanks for that, never did work out how they got in, but after changing my password etc and reporting it they haven't been back.
They could have emailed you that program., but the probability of anyone going to that length just to mess up your hotmail account is minimal. Go to GMail, stop flogging a dead horse.
You don't need access to your PC to install a keystroke logger - they get installed pretty much in the same way you get a virus. It is much more likely that you were hacked someone who knows you well enough to guess your personal info.
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That's just it, no one knows my personal info. Not even my boyfriend knows my password!! Just hope they don't come back. I have got their email address and they keep sending very abusive emails to me.
You could have some kind of spyware or just someone on your computer watching your every move and they can see your password, you should get someone to help you with that, its a lot of messing with MS dos prompt & no, im not trying to scare you its sirious stuff, and especially if you deal with your bank info on your compute it can be pretty harmful. A good pyware program would by spyware search and destroy (s and d) search it on google then dowload it, it can get rid of a lot of spyware and its free, I hope I have helped you in some way see ya.
Sounds like you have spyware, or maybe your boyfriend is messing you around! The spyware can take a note of every key you hit, and then whoever put this on your pc will be able to get your hotmail passwords etc, and maybe more worringly your credit card details. Go to .........then search for a program called 'Ad Aware'. This will remove any threats like this. I advise you do use the program thereafter about once a week, if you use the internet quite often or visit a lot of different sites.

Whoever did this typed in your e mail address and then any password. As access if forbidden due to the incorrect password being used, the system then asks you if you have forgotten your password and do you need reminding? It then shows your secret question ie, who is your favourite uncle? - For anyone who knows you this is easy. Upon entering the correct uncle's name, it enables you to change your password! Eh voila!

Of course, when you then try to access your hotmail, you cannot get in as the password has been changed by the perpetrator of the crime - so you then have to go through the secret question process yourself!  So think back to when this happened - was there an occasion when you couldn't get into your e mail?


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No, I have never had any problems getting into it. And my secret question was my mothers maiden name which nobody I know knows! I have since changed it and my password.

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