From Syria into Lebenon, guess what? They now have a huge problem with Illegal immigrants from Syria. Outside the camp the non muslims have set up a neighbourhood patrol shift system scheme to... ... A legitimate question. Funny they now ask banks for help to stimulate growth have just delivered the... ... If there's one thing that gets socialists pebble dashing their screens with organic peace porridge it's the very... ... It seems that 75% of a plane full are security staff and the ones that are going are getting paid £3k... ... Gravitational lensing of one galaxy by another a rare... ... It seems 2 of the jurors did! Unbelievable! ...
Just because you don't agree there are 173 genders or that a man can somehow become a woman or all the invaders are our friends does not = far right. They are labelled thus because they have the... ... Albanian criminal scum not deported because his kid likes Britsh chicken nuggets! You couldn't make it up! ... Why wont they just tell us why we are giving something away and then agreeing to pay Billions for the privilidge? No... ... I might be in favour of closer ties with a MEGA leadership... ... I'm not really bothered by what he said, we all use hyperbole from time to time, probably didn't mean it literally. What worries me is we have a... ... It seems they saw Miliband coming. Funny how we always seem to have money to give to foriegners or waste on silly ideas and contraptions but our... ...