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I don't call that a proper show, It seems to me to a lot of silly people just swearing and passing silly comments. Do they get paid,everytime I watch it some of the people seem to upgraded their...
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If you had to take a punt on how you will die, what would your best guess be? Yeah, its a bit morbid but inject a bit of humour...death will happen to us all eventually so might as well have a laugh...
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Brilliant start. Looks good.
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May 2018 bring World Peace, Equality for all and happiness for all. Oh and a thinner me (how shallow eh) Love Islay...
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You see with this awards thing ,knighthoods ,damehood and others .Do people have to address the knighted and damed Sir and Dame when talking to them .oh aye do the obes cbes have to have that put to...
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I had to fix a problem with my own toe as couldn’t get into see my Podiatrist or any other for that matter. My podiatrist said I did a really good job and she said I should consider taking up...
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Little April was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, April, who created the universe?" When...
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A group of Illinois bikers was riding west when they saw a girl about to jump off the Murray Baker Bridge . So they stopped. George, their leader, a big burly man of 53, got off his Harley, walked...
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I have only randomly seen two programmes in this series but Charlie Dimmock's design for the garden was chosen as the winner in both of them. Does she always win?
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Just wondering, how many of you drink alcohol on a daily basis, with or after your evening meal perhaps? Lots of posts refer to people having a drink and I just wondered how many of you drink each...
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Did you hear about the army nurse who went to bed eating popcorn? She woke up with a kernel between her legs....
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Well, I didn't see that coming!!! Really good. Thought Blake recovered remarkably quickly, otherwise brilliant.
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Lie-in King
Hi everyone! Yes, it's back! With 32 days until kick-off, I've taken the liberty of restarting our very own Answerbank League. Hopefully all the regulars will enter a couple of teams & let's hope that...
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Things you would never hear a Vicar say...
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Thank you all. I'm full of Albarino wine and remarkably expensive lobster paella I think there couldn't be a better way to celebrate a70th birthday....
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I have no idea what it was all about, can anyone explain ?...
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Do not rip. Just died. BBC News @10....
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Well done, Mr. Joshua!.
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If Ed will think about hoisting this attachment up..... Captions please. Baths hoisted this on her page and her fav has been "Each of you put two pieces...
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