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In an answer to a question on the chase this evening it was revealed that on average people spend 4h 48m on mobile apps per day! I'd be surprised if my total time on apps is 20 mins! Gawd what are... ...
In the morning I'm taking a couple of people to Bristol Airport, but never having been there before I have no idea how many or where the drop off places are. Help or advice would be very welcome,... ...
Apparently UK water companies want to increase your water bill by between 24% - 91%.   According to a recent Private Eye piece – at the time of... ...
My tablet can't connect to server hotmail so my emails are there but can't be read. 
A friend is using a Samsung tablet and is having problems getting onto PayPal from purchasing sites. It just keeps buffering. She can go straight into PayPal. It OK on her mobile. Any idea why?
Very powerful episode about a young 17 yr old caught up in drugs & county lines. I cannot help thinking they should show this episode in schools as a deterrent. Did you see this episode??? this follows a report by israeli physicians published in february which calls attention to torture and abuse of detainees from gaza by israeli medical... ...
Hello my mother signed half of her house over to me around 10 years ago but since Covid has lived with me.  My son and his partner currently reside in my Mum's house.  My Mum has dementia and I'm... ...
Just catching up on the latest episode. If I understood correctly, none of the contestants could read the questions because one is visually impaired. I think that could give that contestant an... ...
Which building holds the title of being the world's tallest, with its pinnacle soaring above all others?
New tenant local sheltered bungalow.... Pigeon loft in garden..  Local birds include pair of sparrowhawks, pair of hobbys, and a frequent visiting peregrine.  The local feral pigeon population has... ...
Any ideas why my relative has received £299 from DWP this week. Pensioner on pension credit but received all the cost of living payments due earlier in the year. I'm not there to read any letters... ...
for leaders of hamas in gaza and for two members of israel's government on the suspicion that they have committef war crimes both sides have naturally... ...
Does anyone use Vinted to sell clothes.   Is it really free or are there lots of catches to charge a fee?   Also is it any good?  
Honestly, this website has sort of taught me something. People do like helping. People aren't all trying to screw you over. People don't want you to suffer.   From this realisation, I will hopefully... ...
If so, why do they hate Jews and vice versa?
If any 🤷🏼‍♂️
I want to buy a new wall charger plug to charge my iphone and kindles. On looking on Amazon they have different wattages. If I buy one that is 40W is this ample to charge my devices or should I go... ...
The Cons have now started to look into peoples bank accounts to stop fraud when claiming benefits etc.How about looking into the bank accounts of Michelle Mone and her husband first then... ...

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