Did Milliband Listen To Trump's...
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Ask questions and get real answers from real people. Whether you’re looking for crossword answers, practical advice or you’ve just come for a chat, get answers to your questions. To get started all you need to do is register.Remember to give a couple of answers in return!
While we all love freshly prepared and cooked food - ideally with high quality ingredients. However, there are some foods which manage to taste great, and sometimes better, when they're reheated or eaten as left-overs. So AnswerBank Asks:
The face of potentially patronising "makeover reality TV" has changed over the years. Once upon a time two women would descend upon a poor, hapless volunteer, break down their confidence and tell them the clothes they love were stupid. Afterwards the emotionally distraught victim would tell the camera how much better she feels.
These days a sensitive young gentleman of certain taste exp
Buying car insurance is undoubtedly one of the least enjoyable parts of motoring. As such, how do you prefer to go about purchasing it? Do you like the speed and detached nature of buying online? Or do you feel the need to speak to someone on the phone? Or is it even preferred to visit a insurance broker in person and sort out your car insurance that way?
Do you own a second vehicle for work or pleasure?
The saying goes: "Everyone has at least one book in them" - do you believe you have a book in you?
Can we all be writers? If you do think you have book in you, what kind of book is it? Autobiography, fiction, non-fiction?
There has been some discussion between those in the news section as to which way the majority of AB "swings". To provide a little clarity I would like everyone to say which side of the fence they sit - in their own opinion. I do realise this a blunt measurement - but it is a good starting point!
A good cup of coffee is something that can really make your day. Where serves the best coffee?
Has the thrill of driving been dampened by higher costs or the green agenda for you?
Recently a member of the AnswerBank team found themselves faced with a renewal quote for their car insurance which was More Expensive than their previous premium. This is despite an additional year of No Claims Bonus and a completely clean driving licence.
Have any AnswerBankers faced a similar renewal hike, and what did you do when faced with it?
I thought it was time for a Gaming poll. So, which is your favourite Civilization in Civ4?
A train is hurtling down a railway line. It's out of control and the brakes have failed. Ahead, five people are tied to the track and apparently face certain death. You, however, are standing by the rails and have a chance to save them.
This Poll is inspired by the following BBC World Service Documentary:
With the country going to the Ballot-box tomorrow and the media just about lathered to its fullest election frenzy, we thought it would be worth asking: where are you watching the election coverage? (If you're watching at all!)
With the last leader's debate over and done with, and the election less than a week away, we would like to check, probably for the last time, what your voting intentions are.
We would also like to hear your opinions on the prospect of a hung parliament.
It is time to test the predictive powers of The AnswerBank News group. Who do you think will win this debate? The Debate kicks off on BBC1 at 8.30pm - but who looks likely to do the best? [Poll finished before the debate begins]
Dear All.
I hope everyone is well. We at the AnswerBank sometimes like to ask you a few questions and gauge the general feeling of our users on various subjects. Today we'd like to ask you to tell us whether you agree with the following statements, please tick all you believe to be "true".
As a representative democracy the UK electorate only vote for their local candidate. In the last 20 years we have seen the rise of "tactical voting," - this was cited as one of the main reasons for Labour's landslide in '97. Do you believe tactical voting hurts our democracy?
Does your local area have enough safe crossings for children outside schools? Safety around schools can be a big issue, as highlighted by http://twitter.com/kidscrossafely and http://twitter.com/Rosiecosy/ - do you think local authorities do enough in your area regarding safe crossing for children?
Time to take the pulse of the AnswerBank newsgroup. I have included several smaller parties as requested.
When it comes to insurance claims we can all find dealing with our insurance companies a pain - especially when the accident wasn't even our fault. With this in mind, have you, or would you, ever "exaggerate" a motor insurance claim?
Facebook, gadgets and gossip seem to matter more to young people than the current general election. Have we reached a moment in history when the young are actually less radical than their parents? Or is it simply that political parties are so dull and unidealistic that it’s little wonder young people are hard
With the General Election looming and political parties begin trying to convince you in earnest that - yes, really, they're good people wishing to help you personally, or at very worst, better than that other lot - it is time to check the pulse of The AnswerBank and find out: What is the Number 1 issue for you this Election time.
The wash-up period of a parliament is upon us. This is the period of parliament where bills are put in place to be "nodded through" in the next parliament.
As Martin Bell of the Guardian comments:
"Eighteen bills are going into the wash-up in the few remaining weeks of a discredited parliament. At this point the votes that got them this far, in both houses, will count for noth
With recent events highlighting the dangers of using social networking sites, we thought we'd ask you about your views on social websites like Facebook, MySpace and even The AnswerBank.