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Rachel Reeves will tell MPs how bad things are after taking over the reigns from the Self serving, Con Crony, Trousering Tory Party. Saying she has uncovered a whopping great £20Bn black hole in... ...
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Sir Keir Starmer says work has already begun negotiating with the EU to change the Bodged Tory deal . We intend to improve our relationship with the EU and that means closer trading with the EU."I... ...
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Should there be a public inquiry into what has happened to the colossal amount of Tax Payers money paid out to the  Con Crony Club while the Tories were in power .                 Like the £200m... ...
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Liz Truss Blames Rishi Sunak for trashing her record in office as the reason for the Tory  election wipeout.....And he was the main reason she lost her seat. ....Well done Rishi, on both counts.... ...
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Will the benches in The Commons have to be rearranged to seat all the Labour MPs ?.Labour will have too many members to sit on the  Government Benches.  And the Tories, too  few to fill the... ...
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EU Leaders have offered the UK an Olive Branch and have offered to help *(The New Labour Govt)*unpick Boris's Brexit deal .
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England have beaten Switzerland Things can only get better.
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The Tory verdict is. That one of the main causes of them getting such a Beating at the GE  Was BREXIT. And not just the Tory betting scandal and Liz Truss .And the Chris Pincher Boris downfall... ...
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.............😎We Did It😎..Pay back time Brexit😎..............
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Your Country doesn't want you anymore. Golden days before the end..... for the Tory MPs at least ....As even Suella Braverman declares It's all over for The Tories. They will be lucky if they make... ...
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Senior Tories have said this obnoxious, jumped up little twerp must not take over as leader of the party, when the Tories lose the election on Thursday.They are blaming Dowden for the mess they... ...
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Former Daily Telegraph Editor Max Hasting told how he sent an updated cheque to Boris for £1,000 after they had made a bet,on the 2010 election result .With Hasting backing the Tories to win with... ...
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Sunak accused of desperate tactics after releasing his latest shock election poster of three people. One them a small child holding their hands up in the air as if at gunpoint. Urging people not... ...
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A Bombshell new poll amongst  20,000 voters. Shows that the Tories will not be humbled onto the opposition benches after all ..which was their biggest fear!. They will be huddled in the corner... ...
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Which of the Tory MPs would you really like to lose their seats at the election in nine days time My choice is            Jacob Rees Mogg, Jeremy Hunt and Oliver... ...
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As the Final Curtain falls on The Tory Party .Their last act is to bring another 650,000 pensioner into the clutches of HMRC to join the eight million they have already placed there since the... ...
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Sir Keir Starmer the incoming soon to be Prime Minister of the UK on july 5th. Pledges not to raise National insurance Income tax or Vat............There you go then.😎job done😎.
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Young people who refuse to do National service will have their driving licence taken from them and also be denied access to Student loans.And also close their bank accounts.    Big deal ...I... ...
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The  Tories just have to have their dirty little grubby fingers in the till Don't they.And now to add to their forthcoming electoral meltdown.They face a new scandal after it's Campaign leader... ...

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