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Wars famines earthquakes which was predicted in the holy writings
       2 Peter .2:9  Luk.21:26.People will become faint out of fear 
        Mt 24:22     RE .19.15, 
 And nother earthquake bigger -... ...
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Are we having more earthquakes now than ever before? I dont seem to remember earthquakes been in the news (as much as they are now) when I was younger....
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David Black "Many women who dress inappropriately ... cause youths to go astray, taint their chastity and incite extramarital sex in society, which increases...
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China doll's question on the UK earthquake got me thinking. We normally associate eathquakes with slippages along tectonic plates but last I heart Birmingham was not on one of these! From a quick scan...
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I am only a kid so please forgive me if i sound really stupid, but i am studying tectonic plates at the moment in science and how places like San Francisco have earthquakes because they are on the...
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Personally I blame Trump, the Ruskies and Brexit rather than the earth slowing down :-)
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If it has now been established that fracking for oil caused earthquakes in the region what were the after effects of the underground nuclear explosions?
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Is there any evidence to show that earthquakes have a knock-on effect with other adjacent plates? Is there any kind of pattern to the severe recent ones compared with earlier years?...
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There have been 3 sizeable earthquakes in the Pacific in as many days. With all of this activity is there a real possibility that the east coast of America could be hit next?
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Last week we had an earthquake in Britain measuring 3.6 on the Richter scale. Nearly 30 years ago there was an earthquake in North Wales measuring about 6 on that scale. Britain is far away from any...
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Have you noticed that Earthquakes are becoming more frequent, almost every week you hear of one. What is going on?...
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I've just been reading about the earthquakes in Hawaii and i've noticed a lot of people's accounts include them diving for doorways to stand in. Is there any reason that standing in a doorway during...
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Since drilling can cause oil to gush out of the ground under pressure, are there any occurrences of earthquakes causing fractures in oilfields and quantities of oil to be released?
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How do the chinese study earthquakes?
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How does animal behaviour help to predict earthquakes?
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How do animals sense earthquakes and volcano eruptions?
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Dom Tuk
2 years 2 massive earthquakes on boxing day. last year 30,000 killed on boxing day in Iran. This year scores killed on boxing day. In 2 consecutive years disasters on boxing day. Pure coincidence or...
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Lots of online vids suggesting so.... Starvation and famine. War & rumors of war? Earthquakes, Nation rising against Nation, (Matthew 24) And then we have Revelation and its infamous 'Beast' system....
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Having experienced the Manchetser earthquakes in 2003, has anyone else experienced earthquakes or volcanoes? scary or not?
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Very scary news...800 earthquakes in a matter of hours...1,000s in several... ...

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ToraToraTora At least the eco loonies can't blame climate change for this! ...
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Wars famines earthquakes which was predicted in the holy writings
       2 Peter .2:9  Luk.21:26.People will become faint out of fear 
        Mt 24:22     RE .19.15, 
 And nother earthquake bigger -... ...
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... and other areas.  Quite a biggie by all accounts but no reports of loss of life as far as I can tell.  Can someone please post a link for me.  I'm unable to do it at the moment.
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Wars famines earthquakes which was predicted in the holy writings
       2 Peter .2:9  Luk.21:26.People will become faint out of fear 
        Mt 24:22     RE .19.15, 
 And nother earthquake bigger -... ...
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Why is it that fracking is up and running in the USA, providing the country with cheap energy yet here we have to put with the environmental idiots usual objections to anything that may solve our...
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In which year was Britain's only recorded earthquake death?
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spathiphyllum So, to those who said there...
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Some people believe that the Bible is a reliable book of prophecy. Others feel that it contains vague predictions that could be interpreted in many different ways. What's your opinion? And it would be...
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I am only a kid so please forgive me if i sound really stupid, but i am studying tectonic plates at the moment in science and how places like San Francisco have earthquakes because they are on the...
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Is this  Prophecy coming  true. Jesus has started his his return to the Earth ..  The Prophecy from Matthew . 24 . 7.  For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom,
there will be... ...
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this not true much disease is a resolve of mans only for living habits and poor livings habits. and his spoiling of the environment for himself.? --- and other are not the war fought by humans a major...
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Last week we had an earthquake in Britain measuring 3.6 on the Richter scale. Nearly 30 years ago there was an earthquake in North Wales measuring about 6 on that scale. Britain is far away from any...
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China doll's question on the UK earthquake got me thinking. We normally associate eathquakes with slippages along tectonic plates but last I heart Birmingham was not on one of these! From a quick scan...
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I think this is one for you, Clanad. What is the situation in the earthquake zone at the moment? Didn't the last big one happen about 100 years ago - in San Francisco? I'm concerned for the people...
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The signs of the end times are upon us. Never in the history of the world has there been such chaos, war and conflict, famine and pestilence, immorality, and a polarisation fo rich and poor. The...
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Anyone else feel their house move and a crackling thud that sounded like thunder lasting about 2 seconds?...
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this not true much disease is a resolve of mans only for living habits and poor livings habits. and his spoiling of the environment for himself.? --- and other are not the war fought by humans a major...
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I've just had some flashbacks of a dream I had last night. It was regarding the helmets worn by MotoGP riders and how there was to be some sort of investigation as to how suitable they were. I...
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What is the best website for earthquake monitoring ?
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there was a tremor in Blackpool this morning ......

1 to 20 of 576

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The Night The World Exploded WidgetsThe Night The World Exploded is one of the earliest disaster movies. The film was produced by Sam Katzman and directed by Fred Sears and stars Kathryn Grant and William Leslie in the lead roles. The world is being threatened by increasingly violent earthquakes and the two lead scientists have to fi...12:38 Fri 16th Jul 2010

Can animals detect an impending earthquake

A. This theory, that animals display unusual behaviour, indicating an approaching earthquake, up to half an hour before it hits, has long been a subject of controversy and has both supporters and01:00 Mon 04th Jun 2001

Home Insurance Need 'Highlighted By Earthquake'

Home Insurance is something that most of us take for granted but is everything we own really covered It is worth checking your policy for unusual situations. People in the UK have been reminded of the need to take out home insurance after earthquakes shook parts of Britain recently. According to a leading high street...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

How contents insurance can be useful outside the home

Contents insurance is a neccessity for most people in the UK. Whether your belongings are stolen or you spill wine on your new carpet, contents insurance can cover you in many situations where you would have to fork out for repairs. Most people understand the importance of having contents insurance, but some may not r...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

2012 Widgets 2012 is a hugely successful apocalyptic story. From Roland Emmerich, director of The Day After Tomorrow and Independence Day this is another action-adventure film. The film stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover (as the U.S. president), Woody Harrelson (a nut-bar conspirac...12:07 Wed 30th Jun 2010

On George Best and his new liver

George Best: older. Wiser George Best has just had a liver transplant at the Cromwell hospital in London. The 56-year-old has sobered up after many years of alcohol abuse. His career as01:00 Wed 31st Jul 2002

What were the highs and lows of TV is the Eighties

A. It was an important decade which shaped the television we watch today. Time diffferences meant for the first time television could bring pictures of earthquakes in South America before the rest of01:00 Mon 11th Feb 2002

There's going to be new superbridge

A. Oh yes - and this one's going to be even bigger than the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge in Japan, which is the world's largest. Q. Where and what A. After decades of debate, the Italian government is01:00 Mon 04th Feb 2002

Why do the continent's geology differ if they once all belonged to the same land mass

A. Geological evidence is one of the factors that suggests that all the currently separate continents formed one large land mass called Pangaea. However, the geological processes that shape the01:00 Mon 02nd Jul 2001

What are the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World

Thanks to Smartboy for his question and Marco for the thorough answer. Let's go into a bit more detail, though. The seven wonders of the ancient world, are: 1. The Great Pyramid of Giza This01:00 Thu 01st Mar 2001

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