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Why Was My Topic Deleted?

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renegadefm | 22:28 Sat 01st Jun 2024 | Music
27 Answers

As far as I know I didn't do anything illegal. 

I posted a topic about whether any Black Sabbath fans here liked the Tony Martin era. 


And I put a link on to his era on Spotify which is a legal streaming platform. 


But my post seems to have vanished just hours after I posted it. 


Any ideas? 


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No idea, but you aren't supposed to ask.

Did you actually post it? Did anyone answer? It's not in your profile. 

O-G...I suspect its OK to ask about a music thread. If not...Well then AB has lost it 🙄

I saw your thread and, being bored, clicked on your link.  It took me to somewhere where I was asked to download Spotify.

Maybe your question was okay but it may have been the link that wasn't acceptable to AB eds.


All getting a bit paranoid now.

Perhaps it was forbidden?

yes, it may have seemed like Spotify spam, I suppose. Could you try reposting it without the link?

Didn't take me to a spotify demand.

Near pointless without the link.

okay, if you say so; I didn't see the post. Perhaps the Ed hates Black Sabbath.

I didn't delete that thread but, at a guess, I'd assume that its removal has something to do with the copyright infringement that came about when you uploaded Black Sabbath tracks to Spotify.

Spotify probably deleted the tracks, rendering the link invalid and hence resulting in an AB moderator finding that the thread wouldn't really work without the link.

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As far as I know we can share music on here, the title says so. 


My link was simply to a playlist which is on Spotify. Nothing illegal about that. 


If I did something wrong I would rather know than to just have stuff deleted. It's a reasonable question. 

Moaning about a link being removed is not very metal.

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It's not so much moaning, more curious what was wrong in posting a like to a Spotify playlist. 


Especially as this section says feel free to share music. 


I see lots of YouTube clips on here so what's the difference?


Just need to know so I don't bother anymore, or risk getting chucked off the site. 

I deleted it for two reasons

The Spotify link possibly identified you, see Rule 4

You asked for follows - self promotion against Rule 12.


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OK thanks for the explanation. 


I'm just confused why doesn't the same rule apply for YouTube music videos? I could be just trying to promote something I uploaded to youtube.


Or am I still missing something? 

If a YouTube video identified the ABer I would delete it.  If the YouTube video was spam I would delete it.  If the poster asked for likes I would delete it - YouTubers get paid if they have enough followers and likes, so that is self-promotion.


Please don't stop posting YouTube videos and music from any source (don't break copyright rules though)- just don't identify yourself and don't ask for likes or follows.

Lots of ABers enjoy discussing the music and videos.


Lol douglas, I noticed. The thread's gone Into the Void

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