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.... with friends. Does this bother you? If your OH goes away abroad perhaps without you for a break with friends!? X...
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Just had a nice cup of ginger tea What's your tea 'tipple' ?...
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...person in the UK with my combination of first name and surname. I am the one and only! What about you? Check here:
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I’m 29 years old, had no idea what to do with my life! Had a child.. Gave up all hope of making anything of myself.. However.. I’ve decided that I’m still young and still have a shot! I’ve an...
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Are out in force tonight.... they are really bugging me!! They keep opening a new page on my phone (safari- apple)!! Grrr....
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i have had kidney problems in past, though ive been abroad in thailand and my feet and ankles swollen up s badly 5 days ago, i took ibruphen but today my ankles still swollen and even sore to touch, i...
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Personally I've gone for just a generous squeeze of lemon juice (no sugar). What about you ?...
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I avoid using my front door and try to come in the back or patio door. Id love to secure my side gate that leads round the back, but the postman/windowcleaner uses it!! How can i secure it? Feels like...
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won £200!! Anybody had a good win of late for anything? ;-)...
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I should have added this to my other question! Also thinking of an alarm however my husband does work Shifts and I have a dog.... would that not set the alarm off all The time? X...
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Don't know how I'm going to get through it, daughter still not speaking to me after my granddaughter died when I was supposed to be looking after her...
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How wonderful is AnsweBank? We've got one post , someone worrying about not liking salad and another, someone asking if they should kill themselves! The mind boggles!!...
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...but i dont!! I dont like lettuce etc on my sandwiches & I dont enjoy raw veg! I love any cooked veg. Trying to be healthier - does anyone have any nice salads that I could try? Even ones that mix...
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My mam is 80 and she went to the see the doctor because she can't move her head/neck to look left, right or up. If she tries, the pain that is apparently always there behind her ear and down to her...
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Just hoping for some answers on likely outcome as its been sent to liverpool crown court son is 21 years old 1st time he as ever been arrested let alone convicted of anything he was on a night out and...
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I have been following this story since reading a detailed account of the circumstances which resulted in her murder conviction. Well done to her sons for following this through and getting a 'good'...
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I went to the docs today with a bad pain in my right calf.Had to go to hospital.Gave blood for a D-Rimer test and was told it would take 2 hours for results.Meanwhile,a consultant examined me and said...
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I have a new toilet pan in my house I had planned on changing the white loo seat to something else but the fixtures are hidden! I dont think the replacement seat I have will fit as its the...
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I wouldn't mind a chat. Just talk about stuff an problems. Bit worried about darts being thrown. Suffer depression. Just want to chat. Stuff happening. Lots. Don't want sympathy, just a chat. Maybe...

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