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Does anybody know if Ovation guitars are still manufactured in USA?
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Can anybody tell me if Forest National in Brussels is an open air venue or not?
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An item I'm selling on eBay hasn't gone up for three days! Should I take it off eBay or take a chance and leave it in the hope the price will rise to an acceptable amount? It's worth more than what...
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Can anyone tell me what the English is for 'verschuldigde'?!
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Having recently purchased a large buttoned MOB phone on E_Bay for my disabled brother, I've just discovered it only rings twice and then goes to Voice mail. How can I get it to ring 3 or 4 times?...
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I can't find the number to dial for an early morning alarm call. I'm with TALK TALK. Anybody know?
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What is another name for a pith helmet? Four letters -something O something i.
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I have just sold a large item on E-Bay for the first time. The buyer is coming to my house and will pay on collection. Now I'm worried incase the notes are forgeries.What can I do? He's coming...
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My mouse turns into a small straight line with a horizontal line above & below it, stopping me from doing ANYTHING! How can I rectify this without rebooting my PC - et again?!
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All the cold taps are running fine but zero from the hot taps. The upstairs cylinder is hot. Any idea wots up?
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Can somebody translate the folowing please! Je ne peux pas comprendre francois?
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How do I un mute my speakers?
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Don't know if this is the correct page to ask BUT! I have 2 old George V one penny pieces - one dated 1919 and the other dated 1921. Anybody know if there worth a fortune or not?!
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Has anybody had any success lowering their blood pressure by Homeopathic or herbal remedies?
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Where is the microphone? Is it actually on the WEB camera on the top??!! (Becos I don't know how to turn it on especially as I can't find it!) All leads seem to be pushed in firmly. ???
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I'm going scatty here! I cannot think of the name of the long hairded blonde girl who sounds very much like the late Janis Joplin? Not a lot to go on but...!
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Do you lose your widows pension if you eventually form a long term relationship?
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Hi! Being as Quorn hasn't ANY meat in it, would it be safe to re-freeze it do you think?
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A 50 year old relative of mine who lives 300 miles from London would love to visit London by train but needs someone to guide him as he is Albino. Are there any societies that can help him?
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Any Grade four musical theory 'buffs' out there?! I was always taught that a mordent consists of the principal note, followed, RAPIDLY, by the note above and then return to the principal note ie: a...

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