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one for sqad

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crisgal | 18:12 Mon 19th Dec 2011 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
perhaps sqad or somene else can give an opinion on my knee.
There's nothing to see - no bruising, redness or swelling, and it doesn't hurt when i walk.
BUT, for the last week or so, if i kneel on it (even on the soft bed or a cushion) it is excrutiating! I leant over the back of the couch 15 minutes ago, looking for something and the pain hasn't gone yet!

I remember a few weeks ago, at work, I knelt on an upturned lego brick, and I would have sworn, had I not been in a pre-school!
I don't feel i can go to the doc with nothing to show him. He'll probaby say: well don't kneel on a cushion then!


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Interesting condition called patellofemoral syndrome. It is not a big deal initially and may never be a big deal.
The cause is unknown and the treatment is hit and miss.

That is my honest answer to the question.
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wow sqad - you are a mazing! I thought i'd foxed you this time!
What treatment could i try?
Any pain when weight-bearing?
My husband went to the doctor just last week with exactly the same thing, the doctor said he had an inflamed bursar, and it will get better over time, and not to kneel on it.
I like jamesnan 's doctors diagnosis better than mine............on reflection.
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thank you. sorry, got called away. no, there's no trouble with it until i kneel on it. I forget not to, because it doesn't bother me!
You've put my mind at rest so thanks lots xx
Thought you might like to wish Squad well crisgal - he's in hospital awaiting a bypass.

Hi Sqad - hope you are keeping cheerful in the run up to your op - what a time to have it done! Hope you can enjoy Christmas to some extent - we are all thinking of you and wish you well.
My knee problem is that it sometimes lets me down, I can only describe the feeling (and excruiating pain) as "walking out of my knee cap" I walk and my knee cap doesn't - I just howl with pain and nearly fall to the floor. I had a scan when my knee swelled up three years ago and they said it was a torn cartilege but it seemed to heal on its own. Could this be part of the same problem or something different? It affecting me so much just lately - all my friends say I need a knee replacement, my friend had one last year and hers was not half as bad as mine........ I'm 64 - what do you advise please Sqad?
Hi! Ann.

First thing tomorrow morning (Wednesday ) and it can't come quickly enough.

Your symptoms certainly suggest a tear of the knee cartilage and this in turn can lead to degeneration of the joint. Might I suggest a return to your GP with a view to an MRI scan on the knee and that will be the definitive force that might or might not require knee replacement.
Good luck sqad, do you want me to fly over and soothe your troubled brow??
Netty.........yepp, pop over....but I must warn you that you are on competition with a gorgeous Argentinian female house physician who can't get enough of me...;-)
Thanks Sqad re my knee problem. Its been ok again this week, thats the problem, every time I think I OUGHT to go and get it sorted - it gets better! I'm such a coward really as I would hate an op (Here's me saying that to you just as you are facing a much more serious op and keeping really cheerful throughout, I'm ashamed!) I did have an MRI scan three years ago which proved it was a torn meniscus but when it seemed to get better on its own, the consultant said to leave it and see how it goes .......... so whizz I was off like a rocket from his consulting room! We are all thinking of you x
For Sqad's benefit

Seen in Birmingham silver grey satin 3/4 length nightdress set very simple thin ribbon straps sort of chiffon negligee to go over and the cutest little lace trimmed chiffon knickers light as a cobweb....
rowan.......get ' um................then you can model them for me ;-)
what brand, rowan, sounds cute.

Good luck for tomorrow morning, Sqad.
Save it for when you are better Sqad....a thought to keep you going...

maybe the midnight blue set as well

Well you may be sick but you are still you...... folk can forget that when they do the sympathy thing... everything crossed for you tomorrow... hope you get a good gas man too
I'm saving these for when we meet sqad, now don't get too excited, it's not good for you.
Lol.........cheeky bugger........I will opt for the Argentinean house surgeon thanks.
Never entrust your life to a Surgeon with more than three Band-Aids on his fingers, unless she's Argentinian of course !
Up and at 'em Sqad !

Always guard your rear while you're in the hospital...You're in enema territory.

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