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Does anyone know the official name for the codes, in an oval, that all food produced in the EU is supposed to have on it? Usually something like UK | CF478A | EEC. I know it is suppsed to identify the...
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just moved house and went to cook some rice i had left , packed it from kitchen unit in previous house, could have been at back of cupboard?? anyway, went to rinse it and omg, black creatures that...
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Is it just me or have a certain brand of dark choc mint - the ones that can only be eaten after a certain time - got smaller
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i will try to make this short... 2 nights ago partner and i went for a meal, it was to a local pub.... nice and friendly and stuff... i ordered lasagne it was freezing in the middle..took it back the...
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for food safety reasons we are advised to cool food quickly if we wish to refridgerate or freeze it, and i understand why this is. thing is, how are you supposed to do it? you cant put it in the...
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Where would I be able to buy some creamola foam
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Morning all, and a beautiful sunny morning it is too.... what is your favourite choc bar? I'm not a huge fan of choclate but I LOVE Drifters!!!!!!! Those Bueno Hippos are gorgewous too........
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Why do a lot of people on AB ask a very specific question and/or for very specific help - and then never seem to respond to the answers? It is frustrating not knowing if they got what they needed!
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Why when one buys a single portion of chips from a Chip Shop, do they give you enough to feed a family, and then charge you as much as ?1.40 for the privlige. Why can they not serve smaller portions...
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Fancy finding a subsection on food in Food and Drink. AB has gone mad. Please, everyone bombard the AB ed to try and get back to the old system.
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Whats in a Doner Kebab? I tried one sober the other day and it tasted lovely. But whats in one? I have heard both scare stories and people telling me its okay to have one once in a while. So whats the...
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Why do they say new and improved when they have replaced the liquorice black ones with blackcurrent purple. Same with Revels took out the peanut and replaced with Raisins. Why???!?!?! anyone else know...
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what year was bread invented
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when i went to germany you could buy potato salad, not the stuff u get here, but like big jars with slices of potato in like a vinegarette, its the best! it was unsuprisingly called kartoffeln salad,...
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Can someone out there please tell me they remember a chocolate bar called a secret. No one i know can remember it me? am i just imagining it?
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mine are srill marlboro light, sometimes lucky strike or davidoff, def not sovereign or some cheap ones. I put this under food and drink!
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What is that stuff? and how many of you like it. its like marmite, as in you either love it or hate it isnt it? i love it myself.
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Picked by my parents in their allotment this morning. .jpg?0.3420847596757661 no question, just wanted to share it.
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Does anybody remember the secret chocolate bar. It was marsh mellow in the middle surrounded by fine weaves of chocolate (abit like a birds nest. Everyone i have spoke to does not remember them.
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Anyone tried these? What do you think? An Australian colleague bought the double coat variety in to work and I think they are very tasty. She got annoyed that people were comparing them to Penguins...

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