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A young girl was locked in a cellar or something and an older girl came to save her. The young girl couldn't/would't speak or co-operate with the older one trying to help her. The man who was going to...
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I missed the end of countdown today, could somebody please tell me whether Conor won or not? Thanks in advance!
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i have a 8 year old son who i have never seen but am trying to gain access to, i have found out he is my son by dna, and am now trying to get some form of access to him, i have been told by one...
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in yesterdays Daily Mail a journalist was recommending we do not wash our hair. His argument being that after a period of time nature kicks in and takes care of it naturally. I have read of this...
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Wondering if anybody on here would happen to know what colour Father Christmas eyes are?My youngest would like to know,,,she says she doesn't want to know about the helper santas just the REAL...
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Hi there, how can I get pollen off a cotton top?, thanks
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Is it dangerous to keep taking the pill for several months without a break? I know a few girls who do this and they seem ok but surely it can't be good for them to keep nature at bay for so long! The...
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colin lightfoot. aged 28/29 ish went to school at helsby high school cheshire. last known whereabouts shotton deeside. i know hes now married to deena and has 4 kids. i'm getting married in september...
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I have a few questions about football from my son and I wondered if any of you people would be kind enough to answer them? 1. How many laws are there for an indirect free kick? 2. What should be the...
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I'm looking to buy a digital camera. I don't want one that is "all-singing" or "all-dancing" nor do I want to spend a fortune (yes, I know "you get what you pay for") - I simply want one that will...
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I'm thinking of getting something like this: HJE9A/203-8141175-8665543 Would it be ok with NTL as my phone provider?
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I despair about my 16 year old son. He's got his GCSEs coming up and won't do any revision. I've nagged and pleaded but to no avail. He doesn't seem to take it seriously at all. He tells me he's...
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On Paul O Grady last night I'm sure I heard that Lost will be continuing for at least 5 years or something like that, wasn't really paying attention! I've heard this before too so does anyone know how...
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I am going to wear a long cream scoop neck dress for an important occasion and I want something stunning for my neckline .... are there any on line places with some unusual or interesting items ????
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Can anybody tell me which couple won this on Friday please?
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I recently bumped into a teacher from senior school a few months ago. When I was at school he would organise the ski trips and I had the opportunity to go on them for a number of years. Recently, he...
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hi, I promised I'd let all the kind people who posted on the asking for names thread and we've ( finally) decided on a name for our little girl, haven't registered her yet so here's the last chance...
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Everyone at work is boiling so they put the air-con on... I'm sat here shivering... brrrrr. And at home I've got the heating on desperately trying to warm the house up & there's my housemate...
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I'm due to have a minor op next week under general anaesthetic. One of the questions they asked at my pre-op assessment was whether I'd had a cold in the last 2 weeks. Well I hadn't then but typically...
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What was the name of the TV series which starred the bloke who does the Yellow Pages ads? His wife was killed at the end in a car accident. God it's on the tip of my tongue but my my minds...

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