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Remembering The Lost Souls

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murraymints | 07:26 Mon 11th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
of 9/11..16 years on...still many unanswered questions...many lives lost..many lives ruined..many hearts broken...


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Never forgotten.
ummmm - // I don't understand what unanswered questions there are. //

Modern man as a species has difficulty in assimilating massively changing events in his world - so he tries to make sense of them, and hey presto - the 'conspiracy theory' is born.

Because some people simply cannot accept that what happened actually happened as it appears, they start to over-think things, and the media leap on this facet of human nature (it sells papers) and make up dark secret stories that have no basis in fact.

You can find this in any major world-changing event - moon landings / death of Elvis / death of Diana /911 - the list goes on and on.

There will be some item somewhere that the government caused 911 - it was an optical illusion, man did not land on the moon, Elvis and Diana are alive, and so on.

It's just human nature, exploited to sell papers.

Take no notice.
From that day on, people stopped saying "Have a good flight" and it became "Have a safe flight"
Best mate had a pal who was in New York that day, in a cafe, and to this day they have never said what they've seen flying down the street in a grey plume.
Never forgotten indeed - for the USA, another date which will live in infamy.
There was plenty of footage filmed from phones though from people who 'thought' the were a safe enough distance away.
ummmm - my comment related to the fact that 9/11 was in 2001 ... but the iPhone wasn't invented until 2007 ... indeed it was November 2002 before there were *any* camera phones in the USA.

We all forget so quickly that something which is ubiquitous now, simply didn't exist 16 years ago.
Clearly - I didn't even think of that!
I was at work and my colleague's daughter rang her up and kept us up-dated - total disbelief ...
I have relayed this before, so apologies if you have read it previously -

On one of our cruise holidays, we dined with an art dealer and his wife - the gentleman walked with a cane. He was a Navy Seal trainer in his younger days, so no-one's idea of a soft centre.

Our conversation turned to 911, and it turns out that they live in an apartment literally round the corner from the twin towers, and on the day in question, they had gone to vote in a building very nearby.

The gentleman advised that he was walking back when the planes hit, and he saw the bodies hitting the sidewalks in front of him. As he spoke, his voice faltered a little, and tears appeared in his eyes, and he excused himself from the table.

His wife told us that since that day, he had used a cane to walk with - the doctors told him that the psychosomatic shock of what he had witnessed had affected his ability to walk, although there was absolutely nothing physically wrong with him.

I will never forget meeting this man, and his recounting of what he saw on that awful day.
Best mate's pal was never quite the same afterwards either Andy, not as extreme but the thought of witnessing scenes like that fill me with horror.
Closing one's eyes at night and seeing it played out over and over again.......
We were celebrating our wedding anniversary that day so it will always be an unforgettable event.
I was in the US and have never been so pleased to get back to the UK in my life
This is something that will never be forgotten. I was at work when it happened, my boss had an American news channel on. We all went into his office to watch it unfold.
We were driving daughter back to Uni.......we always looked out for a special to us had one large branch growing out of the top which always amused us because it looked like the American Eagle...

Just as we spotted it we had a message asking us if we were listening to the news.....

The eagle became a sad memory for us on future journeys.....such an awful day..... x
Heard it on radio at work. Total disbelief! Very difficult to this day to actually take it in. Poor,poor souls.
I was doing a small electrical job for one of my nieces and had just stopped for a coffee.She was watching the some soap or other with a couple of her friends when they broke in with the news at first it was reported as an accident until the second plane hit nobody spoke we just couldn't believe it was happening.
It is still difficult to believe what happened, Patsy.......we thought it was a tiny plane that had hit a tower.....
As the information expanded on the events we just drove in silence and that was the atmosphere in the student house when we arrived........silence and disbelief...x
Initially, I couldnt believe it was real and thought it was Flight Simulator game.
This must be the first year I've forgotten, and not noticed the date.
I was in our kitchen, and my daughter...who'd just got in from school...came down the stairs saying " mum...those tall buildings in Manhattan are on fire..."
Horrible, horrible day...

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