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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Hi Biddies.

Have been to my neighbours Rememberance and Celebration of Life Service. This is what she requested, with no sombre clothing. It was a very long service and have ended up with a very painful back indeed.

Sorry about Mr Woofy being in pain, and hope things settle down soon.

See you soon - probably tomorrow now.

Am about to cook us some dinner.

Evenin all...hope mr w feels better woofy x

Well it's been a glorious day hasn't it? And seeing as I had nothing better to do I thought I'd have a 7 hour migraine ...blx....actually I woke with it in the wee small hours and couldn't get out of bed until 10 (& that was because the mowerer was coming)...done nothing all fluffing day 'cept lollop around like a wet rag in a gale. Can you tell I'm a tad annoyed by any chance? Anyway, now the holidays are done my doc's in situ all next week so I'm going to see him, and only him, & woe bl00dy betide any dragon behind the desk who gets in my way.

Sorry to not be the usual ray of sunshine as wat like I usually is. I need to feel better pdq, I've heard the local charity shops are full to bursting :o)
Poor Robi, it must be absolute hell, I cannot imagine, get well soon, no chox or cheese!

BiL is suffering and has lost all confidence, won't be left alone, hope he gets better soon.
Nice one Robi!! :¬) You certainly haven't lost your sense of humour. I hope you feel a lot better soon.
Lottie I'm so sorry I forgot to say I was sorry to hear about your neighbour passing away. I know you said she was elderly but it is always sad especially as you had known her for a long time. See you tomorrow. Have a good night.
Derby are on the telly tomorrow on Sky so I'm hoping to go to a neighbour's to watch them play Coventry. Not going out tonight My NF has a problem so we can't go. Mind you Im' not blaming her entirely as I don't feel much like going where we usually go but never mind another time perhaps.

Just listening to some Van Morrison. I forgot I had a load of music on my computer. so I'm working my way through it.

Have a good night all. See you tomorrow hopefully with a smile on my face!
Sorry Neti We passed in posting. Sorry to hear about your BiL. What a time you're having at the moment. It's difficult to know what too say in these situations. Take care. x
Neti, Robi once posted on here that the real truth about illness and its effects are never written or spoken about and she is right. No one talks about things like the fear and loss of confidence....I think because "the professionals" have no idea how to deal with those things.
I hope your bil manages to get through it. time and patience really does help although heaven knows I run out of patience on a daily basis. Like Holly Golightly I have learned to fake it which helps immeasurably .
DH was loads better today and I begin to suspect that the pain relief team really do know what they are talking about. he is managed between surgeons, medics, pain relief and dietetics and cared for by the ward nurses on Renal. They are all lovely skilled people but sometimes the communication isn't all that could be desired...had a wee hiccup today that could have turned into a blooming great earthquake were it not for one of the sensible nurses making a few phone calls and getting stuff sorted....weekends don't help either.....
Lottie i am sorry to hear about your back. I think that celebratory services are lovely and even better when short followed by a good party :-)
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Sorry you are poor Robbi. Lots of hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Woofy, I agree. The service was far too long. Far too many readings and hymns. The church was packed though which was lovely. We had a short and sweet meaningful service for my mum followed by a lovely family party.

Back is still painful, so am going to bed very shortly. Pain makes you so tired and irritable doesn't it. I am so glad Mr Woof had a better day.
Evening folks
Been quite nice here today so did some much needed household engineering washing etc .
Like you Jude I clean one bit then find another bit and so it went on .I'll regret it tomorrow .
Sorry to hear you feel unwell Robinia and hope it soon eases off .
What a long day for you Lofty .Hope you too soon feel better and of course Neti's BiL.
Very understandable. Mr isn't exactly full of confidence at the moment either and is downright miserable and very short tempered.
Still no news on his op and it's getting him down which is not like him as he's usually an upbeat patient man .
Woofy and I must be doing the Holly Golightly act in synch .
I'm pleased to Mr Woofy is feeling better though .
Picky has been over this evening for his dinner and has just gone .He fitted some new trim along a work top for me .
Take care everyone and hope you all get a good nights rest .Over and out for now xxx
jno jnr has come to stay tonight as his Big Event starts at Earls Court next week and he is busy supervising the construction of stands etc. To get him into the swing of things he was immediately set to work sanding down the uneven wall of our hallway and is now asleep. I have been watching Alice Roberts digging up Roman remains all abate the tane, and am shortly to go to bed myself. I hope everyone's bearing up under the aggravations of old age and sleeps well.
Morning all
Looks as if the sun is trying to get out .Not cold though ,muggy if anything .Last gasp summer .
Hope everyone is OK this morning .
I'm off to get bread and papers .Toodlepip for now .
Morning everyone. Just done the weekly shopping and tryoing to think what they want when I am not here! 28º here hate it! So looking forward to England even if it's all doom and gloom.
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Good morning. A bit tired and off-colour. Neighbour is up to his horrible tricks again and I feel really p1ssed off.

Love you all though.

See you later.
Morning..another tired and peed off biddy signing in. Still headachey but I'm just about functioning so that'll have to do.

Ah yes, confidence..mine peaked at about 18 I'd say and after that it was all a go up and you hurtle down leaving part of you behind (often your lunch). Once I'd grown out of my mum's negativity it was always ill health that pulled the rug in my case, people knocking me and life's disappointments I can get over. The people who knock you the most are often the ones with problems themselves anyway.

The best tonic as they say is Remy martin...oh no, it's laughter intit?...Did anyone see Outnumbered last night? And Would I Lie To You? Two of the funniest episodes in both series I'd say...I fell asleep 5 mins into QI though, I'll have to catch up with that.

Well it must be time for some paracetamol on tst ...hope all of you & yours are KBOing and pains are easing...
I wish I had a magic pill to cure pain once and for all. I've just said to sis I really believe that one day we'll have something that truly deactivates pain receptors ...after all serious conditions have been eliminated of course, it's not a good idea to keep boogerin' on with an axe in your head :o)
ps Neti cheese and chocolate make no difference, I've tried an elimination on both.
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I absolutely love Outnumbered and then Would I lie to you. A magical hour which takes you right out of yourself and have a good laugh. And last night I agree, Robi, they were both excellent episodes. Rob Brydon just has the knack of making any programme good - a brilliant host!!
Robi I know they do no good , but I didn't want you enjoying anything ha ha!!

I don't know what to say about your headaches, isnt there anything a doctor can do.My neighbour next door had dreadful headaches and eventually they sent her to Palma for an op in the middle of her back, she now feels remarkably better but gets the occasional headache.

My Bro in law has always been fine, made lots of money and now since his toe op and the catheter he is in a dreadful state, can't bear to be alone, and this is before the heart op. His diabetes has practically cleared up cos of the diet in the hospital, sister says 600cals a day, I said that's not enough even though he doesn't move about much, but what do I know?
Morning all... Looks like rain again in a minute but it may just blow over cos it's quiet windy.
Robi I'm so sorry you aren't much better. I don't know what to say or suggest to help except KBO.
Hope your back is easier today Lottie as well. And The Woofies thinking about you today as always.

I watched Would I lie to You and laughed til I cried it's the best one of those I've seen too. Brilliant. Everybody on it was so good. I couldn't stop laughing.
Yes Robi they do say laughter is the best medicine. Spag Bol today..laters 'gaters...
Have really enjoyed myself in the pool today, actually managed to sit in the double doughnut, after an enormous struggle to get one leg from underneath, then I felt unsafe and plopped out again. When the filters were running I got a normal clean broom and swept the pool underwater to get rid of the bits and pieces. Felt really strange sweeping in water, still it appears to have gor rid of most of it.
Yes Karen really cheers you up .I've just watched wall to wall catch up as we are both so cheesed off .
James Martin is a lovely man and what he did at that hospital in Scarborough was great. Then watched the bright young things in the 1920's on Reel History and Alice Roberts foraging about for roman remains .
Then Emila Fox on WDYTYA.That was realy good .On Reel history on Thursday they have the herring fishing and it's round here so am looking forward to that .
Right my loins are girded .
No letter today from the hospital and Mr S is due a scan on Tuesday for his cancer check up .He can't have it because of his piddle probs .He has to drink that liquid and he won't be able to hold it .The scan is important . So Urology will be getting a piece of my mind on Monday .If you hear a hissing noise it'll be the steam coming out of my ears .
KBO folks ......there must be light at the end of these tunnels ............................................

Anyone got a torch :)

Best wishes to the Woofys .Hope it's been a good day today for you both .

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