Rod Liddle writes; '.... For many years, I have railed against our left-wing establishment, only to be informed by liberal colleagues that it cannot be a left-wing establishment because we have a... ...
Saxony and Thuringia: Germany resumed flying convicted criminals of Afghan nationality to their home country despite human-rights concerns, days before regional elections in which migration is a... ...
Words by Goethe, music by Musorgsky & sung by Kharatinov at the height of his power. What more do you want? 😃 ...
Channel-crossing with my dog we usually use the tunnel to Dover, but having booked to come alone, circumstances force me to now come with my dog (& wife!). I know I am over-fussy but we have never... ...
Oscar Wilde thought conversation about the weather was, "the last refuge of the unamaginative, yet we all seem to persist. How long is it since you last mentioned the weather? Thinking back, for me... ...
“Come to the edge," he said. "We can't, we're afraid!" they responded. "Come to the edge," he said. "We can't, We will fall!" they responded. "Come to the edge," he said. And so they came. And he pushed... ...
'British taxpayers are funding arts, infrastructure and tech projects in regions wealthier than parts of the UK, a damning new study has revealed. As part of the Government's overseas aid budget,... ...
Just under two years ago, the UK Conservative Party made the ridiculous decision to oust former Prime Minister Boris Johnson. What followed was a disastrous election defeat for the party and a new... ...
This review of Sarah Rainsford's new book is worth a look, I wouldn't be suprised if there's a red pencil mark next to her name in the Kremlin! I thought I'd just pass it... ...
Watched the first episode last night. Extraordinary variety of characters and locations within an uncommon plot. Sort of, Downton Abbey meets the Kray twins. Seems promising. Anyone seen it yet ?... ...
The police are closing some of London's streets this weekend so that everyone can enjoy, 'Pakistani Independence Day'. I hope you will you be celebrating. Will you? Do they mean us? They surely... ...
A 61 year old Englishman is sentenced to 18 months in prison for saying "who the f is Allah?" While in the same country, "From the River to the sea" (meaning the total destruction of the Jews) was... ...