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No Pictures In Tiles

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Khandro | 11:48 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Computers
19 Answers

Usually when I open my files of pictures I get the name of the file and an image in the icon but I'm getting now just a blank tile with its name. If I click on it I get the picture but I want to see the picture too when I open the file.

Any ideas? 



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ok click view - options (far right) - change folder and search options - then click the view tab - then at the top under "files and folders" make sure "always show icons, never thumbnails is NOT ticked".I just tried it and it does control whether you see a preview of the contents.
12:58 Thu 25th Jul 2024

Is it a resource issue ? To ask the obvious, have you tried turning your device off then on again ?

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Thanks OG tried that, but I'm beginning to think it might be something to do with my C Disk being very full - showing in red. 

I have a lot of images, it shows as only 24.2 mb free of 66.5 GB

Could it be that there isn't sufficient memory to load up all the images at once ?

The other two disks, F and G are comparatively nearly empty


click on view then select large icons.

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TTT I've done that, I've tried clicking on all sorts of things to no avail.


//Could it be that there isn't sufficient memory to load up all the images at once ?//

I doubt it, but we dont know your whole setup.  It is the File Manager you are talking about?

If you have spare capacity on other drives move some over there and see if it fixes it.  You may be lucky :-)

BTW, if you have that many pics I hope you have an offsite backup.

Could be. (About to visit a sibling to explain how to sort full disks.)

ok click view - options (far right) - change folder and search options - then click the view tab - then at the top under "files and folders" make sure "always show icons, never thumbnails is NOT ticked".

I just tried it and it does control whether you see a preview of the contents.

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I've removed some old files of pics and C disk now has 193 MB free, but it still shows as red.

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TTT thanks will try that later (being called away)

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TTT, I found that option (thanks) and 'always show icons never thumbnails' was not checked. I checked it and it made no difference so I've unchecked it again.

But I do want to see the thumbnails (the small pictures) don't I ? So it shouldn't be checked I think and I certainly haven't altered any settings. 

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TTT By using your advice combined with 'System Restore' I have somehow got my images back in the folders. 

Merci beaucoup 😊

15:36 yes I did say NOT ticked, thanks for the BA

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Calling TTT

I've lost the pictures in the tiles again. I've seen that 'always show icons not thumbnails' is not checked but the tiles are still blank. Any ideas please?

I think there must be a bug in that section. Try selecting another option and exiting then go back in. I just tried "always show menus" and that seem to induce what you want.

This seems to suggest (near to the bottom of the page) that OneDrive might have something to do with your problem:

This video starts off by offering TTT's solution but then goes a bit further.  (Hint: Click on the title of the video, rather than on the 'Play' button to open it in YouTube.  It will then be easier to view than when embedded into this page):

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Chris I just tried system restore, and it said there was not enough space on my C disk , which shows in red in 'This PC'. There is masses of free space on the other disks though.

Can I move data from one to the other ?

^^^ As long as you're only moving documents, spreadsheets, images, videos, audio files, etc, you can shift them to wherever you like.  Don't try moving software or system files though, as the Windows registry needs to know where to find them.

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Chris; Last night the pictures came back but now today all the tiles have the 'red squashed cat' image with 64 on it which I take to stand for irfanview 64bit.

I looked at your video, thanks, but the guy, as they seem to do in all these videos, speaks so fast.

I suspect the root of the problem is my C disk is overloaded.

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Here's a screen shot of what's on the Cdisk can you see what can be safely moved please ?

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