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Pope's Visit

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Canary42 | 19:41 Mon 10th May 2021 | Jokes
8 Answers
So the Pope was visiting London when one of the congregation, a young man, asked the Pope if he could help him with his hearing.

The Pope put his hands around the young man's ears and said several prayers.

The Pope finished his prayers and said, "Right, is your hearing any better now?"

The young lad said, "I don't know, its not 'til next Wednesday"


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Brill. Made me laugh.
I heard that years ago. Still funny.
I told my doctor I was having problems with my hearing. He asked me what the symptoms were.
I told him they were a yellow cartoon family.
These are great. Keep them coming.
Bloke went into a fishmonger and says to the proprietor -

'' bear with me a moment , i've lost my hearing ''

''Well you won't find it in here , there is only cod and plaice in here '' , says the proprietor

Deaf customer comes into the salon and asks for "short back & sides".

Barber says "the toilet is upstairs".
Eight out of ten.

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Pope's Visit

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