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How Old Are Humans

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roadman | 11:26 Fri 26th Apr 2024 | Society & Culture
7 Answers

if you google it then it says about 300000 years old but a wooden structure 500000 was found in zambia last year 

what does this tell us about our history what was lost and what is not yet understood,than%20had%20been%20previously%20thought.



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It tells you that there are a lot of guessologists out there.

Human ancestry appears to be an ever changing crises. It all gets rateher messy and confusing

History buffs have a rather bad habit of putting things in the boxes they have to hand.  

That article mentions anciet humans, hominids...the ancestors of homo sapiens. I believe it is modern homo sapiens that can be traced back 300,000 years.


It tells us that estate agents will claim anything if they think it'll result in a sell.

Ancient history is evolving all the time.

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