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drmorgans | 07:32 Tue 30th Apr 2024 | News
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Is the Home Office totally useless or is it trying to undermine the government's "flagship" plan (or both):




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The former.

anyone that wants to be deported to Rwanda please meet at the airport thank you

Having just read the article title, of course they have, they are not being kept in a secured compound area while their imaginary case is being investigated. It means they will come to light later when they need but can not prove any form of citizenship. The main aim of dissuading others in the meanwhile won't be removed though.

"Home Office documents reveal 5,700 asylum seekers have been identified in an initial cohort to be sent to the East African country.

But only "2,143 continue to report to the Home Office and can be located for detention", the documents say."

And you can bet your bottom dollar that many of that 2,143 will similarly go missing as the (small) likelihood of them being removed approaches.

I have some sympathy. The numbers involved are enormous and they cannot be detained. As I will repeat again, the only way to cure this problem is to physically prevent their arrival instead of worrying about what to do with them after they have arrived. Nothing else will work.

Of course, it may be that the missing ones can now be found in the RoI, having returned to the warm welcome of their friendly EU.

The civil service is largely staffed with anti British lefties. This kind of stunt is their last desparate attempt to sabotage the deportation policy.

TORATORATORA, do you mean civil servants are telling refugees to go walkabout?


That is about the truth of it.

Do we need a UK version of Senator McCarthy to grub out this fifth column in the higher ranks of our civil service?

Who are their masters, Putin or the Chinese?

We should be told.

NJ //....And you can bet your bottom dollar that many of that 2,143 will similarly go missing as the (small) likelihood of them being removed approaches.//

What does it need to make the government realize how necessary it is that everyone should have an identification document on them, just as they do in almost every other civilized country ?

09:46, I have never liked that as a concept but I think it may become necessary before long.

Most adults - if they are legit - carry some form of ID. It should have been made compulsory long before now.

//o you mean civil servants are telling refugees to go walkabout?//

Well yes they do actually.

And TTT is correct in a way but I would say more full of the Metropolitan liberal left (who real lefties hate too)

Just as they do in almost every civilian controlling type country. Luckily we are above that; for now. (Although new generations, unaware of past history in various parts of the world, may foolishly clamour for it.)

^^ OG; That old Liberal (large L) trope may have been acceptable a few decades ago, but we didn't then have thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants loose in our society, some of whom are pretty nasty types.

Times change, and it's time that everyone should be able, when asked, identify who they are, for the safety of all society.

The Home Office being dogsiht is nothing new. ;

I am eagerly waiting for it being superb when Labour the GE.

I am posting a link without a semicolon, but when posted one appears and renders the link useless - why is this?


The link is to John Reid 17 years ago saying the HO is not fit for purpose.

“What does it need to make the government realize how necessary it is that everyone should have an identification document on them, just as they do in almost every other civilized country ?”

“09:46, I have never liked that as a concept but I think it may become necessary before long.”

But this thread is about so-called asylum seekers disappearing from the authorities. How would identity cards (or whatever) cure that? Whether they have them or not, if they’re missing, they’re missing.

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