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Ban The Burka?

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vernonk | 18:53 Sun 11th Jan 2015 | News
276 Answers
Would you like to see the burka banned? I consider it a threat to national security, apart from anything else


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i might appear thick but why do thay where a burker in the first place . It not comonplace were i live. N. Yorks
The burka and the headscarf are meant to protect women from the lascivious gaze of men. The premise is that these women if seen would be unable to resist any man. A sort of medieval chastity belt.

No, I think it's demeaning to women, too
My goodness ventator, if such is the case, what a randy lot they all are !
yes, definately
I guess that if you live in a society where the burkha is 'the norm', you won't see it as oppression.

You are joking?
venator you have got it around the wrong way. The burka is there to cover the 'modesty' of women as their beauty may invoke improper behaviour by the men.
If women choose from free will to wear the burka then it should not be banned -even if that 'free will ' is guided by their Religion. If I was a Muslim woman and wanted to wear the burka with my free will as respect to both my husband and Religion I would be very unhappy if some Government banned me. I would likely wear it anyway and chance getting arrested.
sp I think I wrote that the burka is not a religious necessity. That being so it is something which is a choice. Many girls in some areas are, unfortunately, made to feel that they have no choice. This, now, has to be questioned, we've pushed it to one side for too long.

As you say, in some areas the headscarf is also dispensed with. I think I'm right in saying that a woman is expected to dress 'modestly' and that is, of course, subjective and cultural. It also applies in other religions including Christianity. My earlier comments about now expecting questioning, if one adheres to wearing a burka in a Western country, stand.
^^^ talbot - he wasn't.
Sorry, retrochic, women are seen as so subservient that they could not resist the advances of any man who gazed upon their beauty.
venator you have no idea about Muslim women lol! The Muslim women I know would Pee themselves laughing to be described as 'subservient'.
"Number of people I have seen in a burka this yr is 0"

Lucky old you, Randy.

Have a trip to London and walk up Edgware Road from Marble Arch towards Edgware Road Station. You will find your sightings increase dramatically.

The masking up by females is one of the manifestations of a culture that is totally alien in the UK. Don't compare it to ski masks, balaclavas and full face crash helmets. These garments are not routinely worn in central London (or indeed any other major town or city) as a matter of course when people are going about their daily business walking along the street (unless they are in the business of robbing banks).

The burkha (or whatever the correct term for a full face mask is) is a Muslim garment designed to subjugate women. The argument whether women wear them voluntarily or not is irrelevant. The garment is divisive and separates Muslim women from the rest of the population. This is not something that should be encouraged in the UK.
Yes, but you're comparing reality with the medieval ideas of these sons of the desert
That was meant for retrochic...
And I forgot to add that I find it extremely offensive to have it suggested that I, as a man, cannot control my urges to such a degree that women have to be concealed from head to foot to prevent me having my evil way with them. Another manifestation of a culture that is alien to most people in the UK.
//venator you have no idea about Muslim women lol! The Muslim women I know would Pee themselves laughing to be described as 'subservient'. //

That's because (a) you don't know women who wear the burka solely as a political statement, and (b) because you don't know the women who do as they're told - and know no different.

No I'm not joking, I'm making point about what is seen as socially acceptable in some places in the world which appear completely unfathomable to us.

I'm certain that there are many women in parts of the Middle East who resent the burkha, as I am sure that there are this (for whatever reason) embrace it.
No I'm not joking, I'm making point about what is seen as socially acceptable in some places in the world which appear completely unfathomable to us.

It much nicer when something is socially acceptable through choice rather than
social conditioning & oppression.

The burka to me is a symbol of oppression, surely women who support the burka are a let down to other women?

As an aside the only time I have come into contact with women wearing burkas was just before Christmas. I spoke to them as to the whereabouts of something in the store, they instantly turned the opposite direction and walked off.
Due to a security risk, yes without a doubt.
The Koran says that women should "dress modestly." Nowhere does it say they should be covered from head to foot in heavy material which restricts their vision, breathing and everyday activities

The burka was designed by men as a means of oppressing women and imo it should be banned

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