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You Could't Make It Up.

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Canary42 | 23:38 Sun 12th Nov 2023 | Politics
5 Answers

Nadine Dorries accusing Michael Gove of backstabbings, leaking and briefings. Pot/Kettle immediately springs to mind. As someone commented "she's got a book to sell"

So we've got Two Top Tory women rocking the boat currently. Margaret must be turning in her grave.



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Anyone worked out who Dr No is?

Margaret must be turning like a T-totem, because she didnt have peculators, adulterers, fornicators or gays in her cabinet/party/closet ?

Interesting take on her administrations

To be fair, Gove does look like a ferret.

Who did Nadine Dorries stab in the back during her parliamentary career?

Nice to hear truth from a politician. Savour it, it doesn't happen often.

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