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chinadog | 20:15 Mon 06th Oct 2008 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Hi, i have a hernia near my tummy button thanks to doing sit ups. I have had the hernia for 2 years but lately its been hurting. I have made an appointment to see my doctor and I am wondering if anybody here has the same and if so does it play up.


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This won't sound like it but it's a serious answer .... my staffordshire bull terrier had a belly button hernia when she was a pup - sometimes it went in sometimes it popped out - the vet dealt with it in a quick simple op - I think they pushed it back in and held it with a couple of disolving stitches.... all quite straightforward. ... so I wouldn't sorry ..... and please don't feel offended at the comparison with my dog - just thought it might help!
One of my mates had one and he ignored it for about 8 months, it got worse when he exerted himself and when he eventually saw the doc it was really seriously painful and noticeable. See your doc and am sure it will be fine.
I must agree with both the other correspondents. DO NOT let it pop out and stay out...push it back in and make it stay in. The op may be done under alocal or hypnotism. It works, get it done quickly, and pay for it privately if you have to.
ive had exactly the same sort of hernia since i was a child, i went into hospital to get it checked and they said it was too small and i was too young to do anything about it.
every so often i aggravate it when im working out in the gym, i just push it back in with my fingers!
I had one - an umbilical hernia, and my eldest daughter had one after her last baby delivery.

We have noth had the surgery in hospital - a couple of days discomfort, no lifting for about six weeks, and a little scar.

Job done.

If it is troubling you, it may strangulate, and that is to be avoided. Get an appointment for the op., and get it out of the way,
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Many thanks for your replies. I cant push mine in,I must be doing something wrong. Im seeing my gp and I'll see what she advises to be on the safe side. Thanks again.
Hernia surgery should be done when its not getting into your body and if it starts feels paining. To the worse it can lead to death. Don't worry it may not happen in usual cases.
It would not have been thanks to doing sit-ups. It'd be thanks to having a weakness in your stomach muscle. I too have a weakness from when I had an operation when I was young. I avoid sit-ups since they to rely on the muscle you are using being ok. As suggested you should get it sorted asap rather than put it off. It's a small op, best take a deep breath and get it over with, and after you'll wonder what the fuss was about. Good you are to see the doc, not good to wait with it bulging letting it 'play up'.

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