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Fa Cup Final.

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anotheoldgit | 15:59 Sun 12th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
I admit to not being a soccer fan but I must confess i did watch the Cup Final yesterday and found it most entertaining especially pleased with the result, nice to see the 'underdog' win occasionally.

What I was surprised at was the fact that there was no Royal, Politician or other Celebrity to hand out the medals and present the cup.

Anyone know the reason why?


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Nigel Farrage's agenda was already booked, the Greater Tossington Women's Institute had nabbed him already.
The FA Cup Final has not been on the top of the list for a while.
Most complaints I've heard is due to it kicking off at 5.15 instead of 3pm
There never is a Royal present at the FA Cup final nowadays. The Queen has attended only once, I think. The family are not a very sport-loving group.Princess Anne is seen at some rugby internationals because she is,or was, a patron of rugby. If you want to see the Queen at a sporting event ,go to Newmarket. She arrives,unannounced, quite often when she has a horse running and passes through the crowd as though an ordinary member.

Am wondering which celebrity or politician to expect. The minister responsible for sport,perhaps, but any politician would divide the crowd. And which celebrity?

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Fa Cup Final.

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