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Just One Drink Can Cause A Car Accident

The motor insurance industry and safety campaigners are warning that even having just one drink can greatly increase the chances of having a road accident. Seasonal drink driving campaigns have always concentrated on drivers who are recklessly over the limit. But party goers are being warned that even spending your e...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

DVLA Earns Millions From Phone Lines

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has earned an extraordinary £1.3 million by charging callers to its general enquiry line. The agency has a 0870 number, charging eight pence a minute, for which it receives a cut. The DVLA defended its extremely lucrative policy by claiming that a local number woul...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Home Insurance Firms Warn On Uncovered Gadgets

Most of us, or our children, have at least one or two gadgets in our possession. Things we seem to not be able to live without even though ten years ago they weren’t invented. Things like iPods, PDA’s, MP3 players and increasingly complicated mobile phones. In addition, these things do not come cheap and qu...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

The Hidden Price Of Partying At Home

By opting to hold a party in your own home over hitting the town many people may think they are saving themselves a packet, but home insurance firms have warned that it may not be as cheap as they think. People planning their parties at home spend on average around £200 on drinks and nibbles say home insurance f...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Bizarre Insurance Claims Increasing

A sharp increase in spurious or exaggerated public liability claims against local governments has led to increased costs for taxpayers and insurers. An annual list of the silliest insurance claims made against local government authorities in Britain includes a shoplifter who sprained her ankle attempting to escape and...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

London Council Begins CCTV Monitoring Of Dodgy Manoeuvres

We have all seen the little black boxes high up on street lamps and the corners of buildings. CCTV cameras are in our lives monitoring our movements. The government tells us that they are there for our benefit to help prevent crime and give evidence when crime has been committed. However, it seems that one council is n...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Millions Could Cut Costs On Travel Insurance

More than six million holiday makers in the UK could have saved money by opting for annual travel insurance cover, claim new industry figures. When we book our main annual holiday most of us know that we need to get some travel insurance as well. However, it seems that many people do not realise that getting travel in...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Online Business Boosts Van Rental

With cold and doubtful weather during the winter months online businesses may worry about the condition of the roads and whether they can ship their goods to customers in time. A rush of online sales over Christmas can have a major knock on effect on short term van rental. Other busy periods can be Valentine’s D...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Long Suffering Parents Lose Out To Young Drivers

Young motorists are opting to borrow their parents vehicles rather than splash out on the cost of their own, says a motor insurance survey. More than one in ten (13 per cent) motorists in their late twenties admits that they are still using their parents' vehicles. As more and more of our young people are staying at h...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Drivers Risk Brush With Cops While On Holiday

Travel insurance is often touted as the first line of protection against crooks, but it can also prove handy when (inadvertently or not) tourists step onto the other side of the law. A poll by the travel insurance industry has revealed that almost half of all Britons risk a brush with the local gendarmerie when drivin...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Home Insurance Adds Kidnap Cover

If we were on holiday in a foreign country which has somewhat of a chequered past we might possibly be on our guard against crimes against our person such as kidnapping. However, more and more of us are concerned about this sort of thing happening at home. As was illustrated in the plot to kidnap Tony Blair's son Leo,...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Travel Insurance A Must In Addition To EHIC

We all know that when we go on holiday it is wise to also get insurance to cover our trip. However, some people are relying on the E111 form to cover any medical costs and not taking out travel insurance. This is a misguided approach it seems. Travel insurance firms have warned holidaymakers not to assume that the imp...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Crooks Targeting People Not Homes

Home insurance companies are warning that the targets of petty theft are changing as thieves no longer have to nab a stereo or TV to make crime pay. Instead, the growing numbers of high cost portable electronic devices in the nation's pockets are becoming the main objects of crooks attention, say home insurance firms....16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Homeowners Warned Of 30 Day Home Insurance Rule

All those who thought that they had made a smart move by relying on home insurance to cover their house 24/7 for 365 days of the year should do a reality check. There is a caveat in what home insurance promises. Home insurance companies are warning that up to 561,000 homes which owners have left believing to be fully ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Swaps Skis For Sailing On the High Seas

The cruise has officially usurped the skiing holiday's place in the affections of the UK, with more people sailing into the sunset this winter than heading to the piste. With more people wanting to have more control over their holidays a cruise is ideal; you can wear what you want, eat when you want (and with whom you ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Garages Could Be Open Invitation For Crooks

Many of us remember when a garage was used to store a car and maybe a few of Dad’s tools and DIY gear. Nowadays, however, with the increasing size of cars and the decreasing size in garages the vast majority of us now put our cars on the drive and use the garage as effectively a big cupboard. Unfortunately, this...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Snowboarding Safer Than Skiing

Many of us look forward to our two week holiday every year and for some that is to hit the slopes. For most that is skiing but should we be looking to do more snowboarding Implausibly, travel insurance companies have announced they have discovered that skiing is actually more dangerous than snowboarding. Recent trav...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Winter Olympics Inspires Skiers

The Winter Olympics occurs every four years and the sporting event is inspiring skiers across the country to don their thermals and head for the slopes. The games are awaited with great anticipation by many even those of us who do not indulge in any winter sports ourselves. The games brings the nation together behind ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Love Is Free But Make Sure Your Insurance Is Up To Date

Britons may be willing to splash out on romance for Valentine’s Day, but being British their wooing all too often ends in tears, home insurance companies have claimed. They should know - home insurance firms are the ones left paying for our ham-fisted attempts at the delicate art of seduction. Diamond engagemen...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Romantic Brits Plan Trips Abroad To Propose

Many women find the idea of a proposal at the top of the Eifel tower or on a sunny Barcelona beach the peak of romantic love. And many men agree that they would like to get engaged in a foreign city rather than in the UK. This is all lovely but what if you lose the ring Travel insurance may be more pragmatic than roma...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

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