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Gardeners' Investment Unprotected

The increasing popularity of garden makeovers and the concept of the ‘outdoor room’ means that Britons are now spending over £4 billion a year on plants, pots, furniture, garden tools and other garden items, yet many do little or nothing to protect their investment against the rising tide of garden cr...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Weigh DIY Carefully

Many people find they cannot afford to move house but would like a change, some may turn to DIY to make improvements. All DIY projects may prove equally challenging to the novice handyman, but some are liable to add a good deal more to your home than others new research has revealed. A fitted modern kitchen is most lik...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Young Travellers Risking All For Lack Of Travel Insurance

Younger travellers are playing fast and loose with trip-ruining risks when jetting off on short breaks claims new market research. Many think they can save money by not buying insurance and this surplus can be spent on having fun at their destination. More than 1.5 million 18-24 year olds plan on taking at least one s...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

House Sharing Home Insurance

Often sharing a house can be fun but it can also lead to arguments over little things like who drank the last of the milk and put the empty carton back in the fridge. Also disagreements over bill payments are common. However, it has come to light that another area of house sharing is causing friction. House-sharers ar...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Long Summer Holiday Spells £2bn Clean-Up Bill

New market research has revealed that parents will be left with a £2 billion clean-up and repair bill after dealing with their little darlings through the long summer holiday. Home accident claims, ranging from broken windows to trashed furniture, leap up almost 25 per cent over the school summer holidays. More...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Travel Insurance To Protect Against Festival Disasters

As the summer music festival season kicks in, experts are warning that failure to check cover could leave people in a stickier situation than the mud in front of main stage. A leading online comparison firm has pointed out that 90 per cent of incidents at festivals concern thefts from tents. While most people will re...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Holiday Money Standoff For Thrifty Travellers

While most of us rely on credit cards on holiday some still place value in the traveller’s cheque. They are easy to buy and can be used in most places just like money. The big advantage is that if they are lost or stolen they are easily replaced as they have a unique serial number. Things may now be changing, how...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Hot Weather Leads To An Increase In Burglaries

Many of us look forward to the warm summer months. Things always seem to be better when the sun is shining and the weather is clement. The warm nights full of friends and wine in the garden can be a real tonic for some. However, we should be careful not to invite unwanted company into our homes in the summer. Accordin...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Which Warns Of Travel Agents Insurance Rip-Off

Although many of us now do our own travel arrangements using the internet there are still some people who prefer to go to their high street travel agent and talk to a real person. However, this could be a mistake when looking for travel insurance recent research has revealed. Holidaymakers buying their travel insuranc...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Gap Year Travellers Getting Older

Gap year travellers are steadily getting older a new survey has revealed, with over half of all those taking time out to travel over 25. A third of all gap year travellers were actually over 55. Of 10,000 people surveyed, 11 per cent said that they wanted to or are planning a gap year. The US is the number one choice ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Holidaymakers Failing To Take Tropical Disease Safeguards

UK holidaymakers jetting off to exotic climes are failing to take basic precautions against debilitating and lethal tropical diseases, says a leading insurance firm. People travelling into malaria and yellow fever zones are often more conscientious about packing their sun cream than they are about getting life-saving ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Gardens Make Or Break In Home Sale

Having a garden is so important to many homeowners that they would give up additional rooms in order to get one, says a new survey. Two thirds of homeowners say that they would give up a utility room for a decent outside space, while more than half would go without an extra bathroom or bedroom. The supply of propertie...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Other Brits Biggest Holiday Hate Says Brits

Everyone looks forward to going away but there are a thousand things that can spoil our perfect break. Apparently one of our most annoying problems is other British people while we are on holiday. British holiday makers are frequently left disappointed by summer holidays as ‘disasters and irritants’ such a...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Insurers Issue Call To "Design Out Crime"

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has called for new regulations to "design out crime" in new properties. This would benefit up to 400,000 homeowners in the first year alone and save the economy £3.2billion over the next 20 years. The ABI estimated that simple measures such as burglar-proof doo...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Home Insurance Cut-Off Threatened Without New Flood-Defences

The floods a few years ago took many of us by surprise not least those that were tragically affected. However, it has lead to an insurance back-lash and now insurance companies are refusing to insure without adequate flood defences in place. Half a million homes in the UK are still at high risk of flooding, home insur...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Drivers Ignore Little Things

Everyone does it, sitting in the car eating a sandwich as you don’t have time to stop for a proper lunch, light a cigarette, fiddle with the stereo to get the radio station or CD track you want. Most of us wouldn’t dream of taking a swig from a bottle of beer in the car whilst driving so why do we drink fro...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Law-Abiding Give Thieves Easy Ride With Lax Security

We have all done it; popped out of the house for five minutes to visit a neighbour and left the door on the latch. We like to think that where we live is safe as houses. It seems, however, that we should be more careful with our homes and make sure they are locked up even if we are only going next door to borrow a cup ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Holidays Ever Pricier While Overseas Even Cheaper

Overseas holidays are becoming cheaper while travelling in the UK has never been more expensive, new research has revealed. Combine the costs with at-best unpredictable weather in the UK and it is unsurprising that two out of three Britons prefer to holiday abroad. The costs of travel in the UK have increased by 5.4 ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Students Targeted By Thieves

Students should ensure that their personal items are insured under the contract of their house insurance, warn experts. Research by a well known insurance firm has shown that student theft is a rapidly growing phenomenon with stealing on campuses across the country costing £126 million a year. Nearly half of al...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Travel Insurance Woes For Over-70s

Although many of us look forward to retirement with the view of putting our feet up after a long hard working life, there are those who think that live begins at 65 and can’t see why they shouldn’t take the time to have a look around the world while they can. This is a great attitude and as the average age ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

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