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Holidaymakers 'Should Cover Themselves Against More Than Sun'

We all enjoy our annual two weeks away from work, but sometimes the worst happens and we arrive home to find that the house has been broken into and valuable possessions stolen. It seems this is becoming more of a problem to UK holidaymakers. A sufficient home insurance policy should see people holidaying abroad cover...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

DIY Benefits 'Not In Kitchens And Bathrooms'

People looking to add to the value of their home may be interested to hear that a bathroom or kitchen renovation is not necessarily the best way to go about it, a finance company has claimed. In fact the top three modifications homeowners opt for - combined - would not increase the value of a home by as much as an esta...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Cost Of A Dad Calculated

Although sadly many households contain single parents with children, most in the UK, however, have the complete set of two – a Mother and a Father. Now, it seems, new research has found that having the father around can help with more than just looking after the kids. The price of having a father around the hous...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

ABI Calls For More "Resilient" Homes

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has called on the government to ensure that new homes are less likely to be affected by inclement weather conditions. Following recent flooding, which saw many people in affected areas making claims on their home insurance policies, the ABI's director general said that althoug...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Calls For More Information About Travelling Risks

Everyone needs a break now and then and some of us like to have a bit more adventure than others; travelling to unknown destinations and doing more extreme activities. It seems, however, that we should be taking more care and advice about the places we are going and the things we are doing. According to a specialist a...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Kids 'Will Withdraw From Bank Of Mum And Dad For Holidays'

We all enjoy our time off but we often do not expect to pay for a break we will not be going on. It seems the country's children are still relying on their parents to fund their lifestyle including holidays. Teenagers looking to head abroad for their holiday this year will do so in the knowledge that their parents wil...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Home Contents Cover Should Be Monitored "Throughout Year"

Home insurance is not the most exciting topic of conversation; we would rather be talking about sport or the kids. However, it seems that more of us should be paying more attention to this subject. People should make a continuous effort to keep an eye on the worth of their home contents, according to a home insurance b...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Kitchen Found To Be Place To Keep Valuables

Your car keys, wallet, and handbag – these are some of the most valuable items in your home but isn’t it always the way that they are often treated as less than that. Slung into corners and abandoned these items should really be treated with more respect. Apparently many of us even keep such things in the k...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

'Fun In The Sun Awaits Those Approaching Retirement'

Most people are looking forward to the days when they can put their feet up and finish work for good. Many will spend the time just relaxing or pottering in the garden. However, there seems to be an increasing amount who will take the opportunity to get away and travel the world. People of the baby-boomer generation a...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Toddlers Costing Homeowners Millions In Damages

We love them dearly, of course, but children can cause much heartache. Not least of which when they have inadvertently knocked over mum’s cup of tea or broken the TV remote. Apparently this is a much bigger problem in UK homes than first thought. Parents in the UK pick up a combined bill of £122 million ea...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Home Insurance Need 'Highlighted By Earthquake'

Home Insurance is something that most of us take for granted but is everything we own really covered It is worth checking your policy for unusual situations. People in the UK have been reminded of the need to take out home insurance after earthquakes shook parts of Britain recently. According to a leading high street...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Consumer Group Reveals Best Way To Complain

People in the UK have been advised how to get what they want when they complain to companies, it has been reported. According to Consumer Direct (a government funded service), it is essential that customers remain calm rather than be aggressive, while they should also be clear about how they want the problem to be res...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

DIY Disasters - The Real Story

Instead of moving house, many people are now doing up their existing home in an attempt to beat the credit crunch. As an additional saving DIY has become more popular, yet there are problems with this DIY revival. DIY may not be the saving it seems as it is claimed more than half a million people in the UK have their h...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Homes 'May Be Damaged By Planting Trees'

Many of us find trees a lovely sight in this ‘green and pleasant’ land. And what better way to appreciate them then to have a few in the garden. Some people are planting trees to offset their carbon foot print and do their bit for the environment. Whatever the reason it is clear from new research that we ne...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Consumers Warned Over Comparison Websites

With many of us trying to save money by switching our insurance providers, comparison websites are a popular way of finding the best deals. However, this is not the great idea it seems at first according to recent research. Insurance comparison websites may be misleading consumers by providing inaccurate or out of dat...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Half Of Brits 'Would Shun Repairs'

What a nightmare, you are just about to start a long journey in the car and your MP3 player has packed up. What do you do Listen to the radio and try to fix it when you get home or stop at the next services chuck it and buy a new one as they are cheap as chips anyway A significant amount of people in the UK, more th...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Households 'Full Of Unfinished Business'

Whether it is putting up that shelf, fixing that leaky tap or something more adventurous it seems that our houses are full of DIY jobs that are half finished. The research revealed that 1.7 million households have been living with an unfinished DIY or home renovation project for more than two years with bedrooms accoun...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

More Holidaymakers Looking For Caravan Deals

A greater amount of people are looking for a caravan holiday, according to research from a vacation firm. A leading holiday park firm has reported a 30 per cent rise in the number of Britons making bookings. It added that it invested more than £40 million in caravan sites in order "to meet and exceed guest ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

When Disaster Strikes Are you Covered

No matter where you live if a disaster happens in your home the effect is the same. It may be a flood or a burglary or, increasingly, freak weather conditions. It may take years to fully get over such an event. Imagine, then, having to cope without the benefit of home insurance. According to the Association of British ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Two Thirds Of Us Fall Out While On Holiday

We have all been there, we look forward to our two weeks away all year then as soon as we get in the car to go to the airport a fight breaks out. It doesn’t matter if you are going abroad or staying in the UK, whether it is Timbuktu or Clacton, sometimes the close proximity of our loved ones make stress levels go...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

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