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Oakleaf51 | 10:58 Tue 22nd May 2007 | Body & Soul
137 Answers
What are your views on marijuana usage? Do you find it acceptable? Do you use it yourself?
What do you think of it compared to alcohol and its associated problems? What about punishments for use and possession, and effects on our kids?


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fair play 4get me not, joe the lion has absolutely no interest in seeing the are absolutely correct in your analaysis that most users start off on alcohol if not tea and coffee.We must not lose the fact that all these substances can be addictive if taken enough,so can food.
Most addicts, not all, have had some sort of abuse or negative impact in there lives. Hard drugs will always be around and do you know why? Because they work.
We must understand the user more and work with them instead of discarding them as useless human beings.
Instead of whinging about the problem,jo the lion,why dont you help with the sollution.!
Well why are you answering the question if you don't know enough about it to make an informed contribution Wardy?
ok you see no comparison, we do.
From Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary
Main Entry: sub�stance
Pronunciation: 's&b-st&n(t)s
Function: noun
1 : physical material from which something is made or which has discrete existence <the substance of nerve tissue>
2 : matter of particular or definite chemical constitution
3 : something (as drugs or alcoholic beverages) deemed harmful and usually subject to legal restriction <possession of a controlled substance> <has a substance problem>
So you have to be a druggie to talk about drugs?

Mmmmmm murder is wrong. I have never murdered anybody.

Rape is wrong and I have never raped anybody.

Drugs are wrong, and I have never taken drugs.
Ok tell me this.

Why do Police Forces not combine their drugs unit with their licensing unit?

Why do the Vice Squad deal with drugs and porn combined?

The mind boggles.
You said that drugs and alcohol weren't comparable. You are wrong, they are both substances controled by law which affect your brain and body. It's like saying you can't compare penguins to seagulls.
OK, Joe, so lets just say that dope has been legalised and you can but it in the tobacconist or wherever what is so wrong with smoking a few spliffs?

or is it just the fact that it is illegal?
Whatever the reasons, one must obey the law. Otherwise we will have anarchy. This is not the only reason though. I value my health and value my sanity.

The same reason I do not drive 100mph through built up area. I could, and probably safely but elect not too for legal reasons and the health risk posed to others (myself included)

Just to go back to tattoo at the top of the page. What a pathetic statement "that most users start off on alcohol"

Most people start off on alcohol. FULL STOP.

Most rapists start off on alcohol.

Most murderers start off on alcohol.

Most politicians start off on alcohol.

Most people who work in Waitrose start off on alcohol.

Does nobody understand this simple fact???

And what the hell has this got to do with not seeing the truth.

And finally tattoo, I shall help with the problem by vilifying and degrading the filthy druggy. That is my opinion is a measure. Or is it you that can not infact can not see the truth?

Most people who smoke dope dont go onto heroin. Whats the point in bringing smack into every debate about cannabis.
yes and most people that smoke pot dont go onto heroine. Thats a fact.
Exactly goudsoulette, the question was to compare to Alcohol and Joe keeps wanting to mention heroine.
Hi 4get ;-)

Personally I don't smoke draw as it gives me the biggest whities imaginable lol. Plus I always think if you're going to do anything do Class A.
I think you have to bear in mind that cannabis can be harmfull - especially skunk which is often much stronger than cannabis resin.

Also the strength can vary widely so it is not easy for users, especially inexperienced users to know what to expect.

In a recent BMJ study 18% of users attending a clinic reported psychotic symptoms and one on New Zealand based on random selection from the electroral register 15% of users reported psychotic symtoms.

There are plenty of other studies linking cannabis users with psychosis and schizophrenia especially in under 18s.

So obviously you want to reduce it's use. Now the question is would legalising it, controlling it's strength and limiting the age of people who can consume it achieve this.

Amsterdam's example suggests that it wouldn't. You'd encourage "drugs tourism" and provide a ready location to recruit customers bored of legal cannabis for an "up sell".
Cannabis is basically a safe drug, it would take 80lb to overdose on it, what has happened over the last 10-15 years is the yanks have developed "Skunk" weed this is a genetically modified strain of Marijuana, i have smoked Cannabis for 33 years, i do not smoke it anymore as i do not smoke at all, i may eat some at some time, but i have no interest in smoking, or eating for that matter anything that is a GM product be it illegal or not, especially if it hasn't even been tested by someone responsible such as, dare i say it, a government.
It is the skunk that has raised all the problems that are blamed on cannabis more than previously, it can, i believe, give people mental illnesses, merely because it is 38 times richer in THC than the cannabis that was around when it was made illegal many years ago. Had the government made it legal along time ago, thus taking it out of the realm of the criminals then this problem would not exist. The only drawback for me personally in legalising it would be that it would be smoked by people that i would never have liked to have associated with whilst smoking it. The people i sat around getting stoned with were in general peaceful and sensitive, there were no football hooligans or muggers.
Oh dear joe the lion, did i hit a sore point!!
If you read all the statements you will find that it is actually you that cannot get your head around the absolute facts.
I am not having a go ,although i do not agree with any of your comments but that is the freedom of speech is it not?
I would not want my child to take any type of drug he does nt even take head ache pills when he has a head ache and do you know why? because drugs ultimately mask the real problem.... now if like me you take different drugs to enhance your 'relax' time i do not see any thing wrong with it. I only take legal and illegal drugs if they are completely natural. None of this man made ********,thats what is killing our kids.Now jo the lion i do agree with one thing you said and that is death to the drug dealers, not the ones who have to do it to supply their own habit but the ones who sell to make a quick buck and never bat an eye to the pain it causes the whole family.
I have been an intro drug user when i was a lot younger also an alcoholic and self harmer so not only do i know what i am talking about i have some empathy for the poor souls that have got mixed up in this hell.
Another point i would like to make is where the hell do you get your facts from 'joe' i ve never heard such crap! MOST RAPISTS STARTED ON DRINK !! what the hell is that how do you know have you worked with murderers or rapists, i would suggest not.
I how ever do have a degree in physcology which took me a few years to complete how ever but i managed to get there even though i have been a 'degraded filfthy druggie'
I would suspect you get completely ****** most nights that is why you defend alcohol so much, i would love to hear more views, especially yours 'joe'
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It's a pity the government scientists couldn't come up with a bit 'whizzkiddery' and develop a really safe pill that made us feel .... whatever, and then we could all have a permanent safe party, and listen to radio 2 until 10pm or even later!
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"Take a 'chill pill', .... er .... man"

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