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Oakleaf51 | 10:58 Tue 22nd May 2007 | Body & Soul
137 Answers
What are your views on marijuana usage? Do you find it acceptable? Do you use it yourself?
What do you think of it compared to alcohol and its associated problems? What about punishments for use and possession, and effects on our kids?


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this is an interesting argument and i'd just like to draw your attention to this .stm

this opened my eyes to the danger of alcohol. i have never taken anything illegal and have always been a moderate drinker and this really scared me as to how dangerous alcohol is! i am on the young side so am a bit of a binge drinker and always thought that 'those druggies' were the ones at most risk, i think we all might have been slightly misled.
I have smoked weed for over 25 years now, usually every day, its not done me any harm whatsoever. It bugs the hell out of me when folks say cannabis smokers end up on heroin. Thats kinda like me saying that someone who enjoys a pint of lager a couple of times a week is bound to end up on a 2 litre bottle of whisky a day :rollseyes:
That is a good link sherminator!!

It just goes to show doesn't it!!!

But some people have got a firm hold of their opinions on cannabis and will never let go of them!!

It is so easy to justify their beliefs just because it has not been legalised!!

If alcohol was made illegal I bet they would still find it and drink it!! and that would still be acceptable to them.

But still, good job we are all different and like they say, each to their own!!
well i thought it might shock some people it did me!!
the drug ive been considering is ecstasy and i was always petrified of it! but looking at that it has opened my eyes a bit.
i'm not gonna rush out and try out all thdrugs that are lower on the list than alcohol just cause there deemed less dangerous and i dont dispair now when i think of other people doing them. but for me i still hate most drugs because i dont agree with how they affect the body, i can for example see no need to take lsd and 'trip out' for up to 12 hours!! i am intelligent and can make that choice. my other point with illegal drugs is that people who do use them SEEM to be a bit blase about there affects. that worries me just because we dont know enough about there long term damage where as alcohol you know exactly how much is too much?
tattoo, It has been said that a degree in Psychology is a complete waste of time and reading your rants, I am tending to agree.

My point which I could not make clearer is alcohol is LEGAL. So yes THE MAJORITY OF RAPISTS DO START ON ALCOHOL. Is that clear. can you really not see that link. The fact I used other examples seems to have by-passed you.

I shall give a few more, so you can understand.

Most Army Officers started off on Alcohol
Most Journalists started off on Alcohol
Most Aber's started off on Alcohol
Most Politicians started off on Alcohol
Most Factory workers started off on Alcohol
Most Checkout Staff at New Look started off on Alcohol.

Can you not comprehend this? Without being patronising, it really is not that hard a concept to grasp.

And as you seem to want to tell me your complete life history, I have a sound understanding of law, and have worked extensively with sex offenders during my CPE. I have also worked with mass murderers in the way of terrorists, but what that has to do with the price of lettuce, I do not know.

I fail to see where I have "Got my facts" wrong. All I have done is express an opinion and stated the obvious. And has for hitting a sore point, you really need to get to know me better. Good grief!!!!

I have no sympathy for any drug user. God or natural selection (whatever you believe) gave us free will. Sadly that free will was the choice to kill ones self with drugs. Both Children in Need and Comic Relief lost a lot of my money when they started giving to Drug Rehab programmes. Druggies do not need help, they need locking up for breaking the law and causing little old ladies to be mugged. YOU GRANNY COULD BE NEXT!!!!!!!!
right joe fair enough alcohol is a legal drug where as the others arent you win but moving on lets look t the DANGERS of each drug and there if you look at my link you'll find out just how dangerous these legal drugs are!!!
I am not denying that legal drugs are not dangerous. Where have I said that? But I am Her Majesty's subject and I shall obey her laws. Drugs are illegal, as is being drunk in public or buying booze for under 18's in a pub.

But I look at the wider picture of soft drugs. The social-economic depletion of the Police and the NHS, the aftermath of them, the sordid life of the dealer (Even POT!!!!!!) that the casual user has no idea about. It may sound alarmist, but do pot users not realise that world wide terrorism (and until recently the IRA) is primarily funded by the drugs trade.

The wider picture is all I ask for people to see.

you just sound very extreme in your views against a drug which is advocated by doctors and has so many good qualities that can help people.
also if you moved to amsterdam would you then have no issues with the drugs since they would then be legal?

also on a side note you'll love this joe, if you do believe in god you will then have to concede that he kinda made a mistake by putting canabis in the ground in the first place! along with magic mushrooms? woopsie god got it wrong!
God gave us water and people drown. God gave us fire and people who play with it get burnt. He also gave us many natural poisons like daffodil bulbs which will kill a man in hours if prepared right.

I would respect the laws of Amsterdam, the same way I will drive on the righthand side of the road their. Obviously driving that way in the UK will be illegal.

I shall not dabble in drugs in Holland though. That is my personal choice re health issues and the fact I do not feel the need.

The same way as I do not eat Horse in France, sleep with my mother in Wales or pray to allah in the Middle East.

okay but your views seem to be very agianst people that do
and if they were in a legal country i find that quite harsh and Discrimantory. fine you dont want to use them but dont chastise people that do. also yes god did give you water and people drown in it god gave you poisonous dafodil bulbs and if people want to eat them then thats THEIR choice. not YOURS! maybe people will take great offence to your past times. what if you were a mountain climber, every time one of them get stuck up a mountain it costs thousands to run a helicopter to rescue them, maybe people believe that that shouldn't get money spent on them?
also Joe just looking back god did not give us fire. through the evolution of our intelligence man created fire i think you'll find
God gave us very little if you look at it like that. a bit of a side track a debate about God methinks.
Perhaps the police would save a lot of time and money and we would benefit by legalising drugs and putting a tax on them???? Or perhaps there would be a greater burden on society with all the police and army workers they would have to lay off due to the fact that everyone would live in peace and there would be no criminals to catch?
You like this - 35/Lect20b.htm
You would'nt sleep with your mother in Wales wardy? I never knew your old lady lived in Wales!
"God gave us very little"

i like that i will remember that line along time!
The line actually stops at the full stop.

"God gave us very little if you look at it like that."

Overall God gave us everything. LIfe, death and the eternal spirit. He even gave us Girls Aloud, so he must have a sense of humour.
sorry, if you cant tell i'm an aethiest and i dont like being told that mans endeavour isnt his own that really anything a man acheives is nothing because its actually god doing it.
It does not matter, my dear sherminator, if you do not believe in God. But rest assured God believes in you. Come judgement day, it is he who shall decide your fate, not you.

well aslong as he says that i dont have to live forever then i'll be happy because nothing scares me more than the thought that i will have to live for all eternity

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