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My mum is recently havin really bad mood swings she is acting like she really hates me and that she is right hard done by.i no she has been having 2 periods a month and wondered if she could be going...
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Dont know if this is in the right place, goes.On sat.night my 16 year old son went to baby sit his cousin,my sisters lad.I asked him, when he got back home if he stayed the night there,or went...
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Just a quick one - I have had some tulips delivered today in a vase but already they are drooping right over. Is there anyway to revive them?? xx
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A two year old baby is murdered in Leeds, A Young woman terminally ill wants to die. Poor Robbie Williams is depressed....poor little lamb!!!!!!!!
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Can somebody help me i wonder,......I am after a poem in full that starts" There used to be so many of my finger prints to see.".... thanks.
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I absolutely love chippy meals! Half chips, half rice and curry anyday, I would live on it if I had the money to. Everyone I know loves the chippy, yet I've never seen an article about how bad for...
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I am 5'3 and my boyfriend is 6'5 is there anyone who has a greater height difference with their partner than that? :))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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ok guys ide like to know your favorite one liners from any film or tv show.
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I feel so sorry for poor Shilpa in Celebrity big brother at the mo..with the Racist comments etc... being bullied by tweedle dum, tweedle dee, & tweedle ****. they are only doing this as they are so...
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in the affluent town where i live ; P you tend to 'see' what i call 'proper' celebrities knocking about example: this morning in my local Booths//Waitrose Cafe i saw Betty (hot-pot) Driver !!!!! i can...
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I went up to scotland for new year, and played a fab board game called hedbanz....does anybody know where i can buy it tried argos,woolies,wh smiths, and no joy ..need it for a party for tom.night.tia
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Who should I turn to? Yesterday afternoon my 14 yr old son and his friend came home with a police officer, who discussed with me that his friend (also 14) had been reported missing since monday,...
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Hi, Be really grateful for any advice. I have a court order to see my daughter every 2 wks. I have not seen my daughter for 6 weeks now as the CSA have confirmed that I can not afford to pay and have...
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Many people believe that OJ 'got away with it'. Do you agree and can you think of anyone else who Got away with it ?
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does anybody know what brand eyeliner ruby used in ten years younger tonight? it was a light green glitter one..? thanks
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I haven't been on here for a while... This was the last question I posted. And now it seems I have got no better- uestion326308.html I feel pretty much...
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ok my boyfriend has 2 kids hes beeb separated for about 2 months and he pays child support. but the ex dont let him see the kids at all. what can he do about it?
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My girlfriend and I have a rare day off together this sunday (17th Dec). any ideas of things we can do in the northwest? not too pricey or weather dependant would be ideal. thanks in advance!
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I know this should be on 'shopping' but if i use too many 'topics' i sometimes forget where i have posted my questions!!! : P and get all confused, anyway they have none in the argos catalogue and...
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I was wondering if anyone knew the best way of not getting stretch marks before my belly gets bigger. Or if there even is a way??

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