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as a single parent, working part-time, my new neighbour does not have much money to give her children a holiday. Are there any websites who deal specially with holidays for single parent families in...
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Just been watching a family of teeny tiny mice on some ears of wheat - the biggest one was about half the size of your thumb - they were so cute really! They were on the edge of the field, my brother...
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is anything else going on in the world, because if the tv and papers are anything to go by the answer is no!
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one of the rear seats in my ford focus Cmax is not locking properly into place. the two locking things that lock into the holes in the floor are in different positions - one is extended (as the manual...
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I have a recipe for a carrot cake which calls for two round 8 inch tins, 1.5 inches deep. I have two nine inch tins, 2 inches deep. Could I put all the mixture in one of these instead, cook for longer...
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What is the best (ie the easiest, half-ar$ed) way to clean the oven and the shelves. Haven't got space for my dish washer here so looking for other solutions. Thanks.
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I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but... I'm in a relationship that is happy but dull. I've met someone recently that I would love to see more of. I suppose my ideal situation would be to...
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I've just spent most of the day today cutting down three large bushes/small trees and am now left with three stumps which I want to take out, but I can't budge any of them. I've tried with my garden...
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I have some penceta but not sure what to cook with it.? I am sure I saw a tv programme and they cooked it with spring onions and some other ingrediants then mixed it with penna pasta in some sort of...
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Every time i drop my daughter at nursery she cries and pleads not to go. She is two years old and i have to put her in 2 days a week due to me working. This is really distressful for me and makes me...
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Has anyone got any ideas for a plant to cover a south-facing fence? I'd rather not use a clematis, or a honeysuckle, but I would like something (ideally with flowers) that stays fairly compact against...
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3 down, clue "Lesser deity" D-m--od?......... Can't be thinking clearly this morning !! many thanks in advance.
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granny helen
I am really stuck on quite a few of these I hope you can help me. 1. Quick! nearly all of it to a northern town 4. Hit hard then use a whip 5. Perhaps i'm leaving? 6. Demeter? 8. Nothing returns to...
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Hi i asked on here about smoothies before (as innocent count their smoothies as 2 portions of fruit in a serving but you are only supposed to count 1 juice per day) Anyway the consensus was that...
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The people next door have 4/5 year old twins and a little one who is probably about 18 months old. They are very quiet, never hear any playing or the baby crying, etc. Occasionally the parents have a...
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I was at my friends house the other night and briefly met his flatmate before she went out. A group of us then went out and got quite drunk and later went back to his. She arrived home an hour later,...
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what do you refer to it as?
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Every day I have flocks of small birds, sometimes ~ 100 at a time, flying over from one line of trees to those which edge my garden. They roost briefly in these trees and then, almost as though they...
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Just tryin to find out if anyone can shed some light on why our baby boy seems to gasp for air n have trouble breathing. We have mentioned this to the midwife and the health visitor, but they kinda...

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