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I fancied eating some German sausage but, knowing my stomach, I feared the wurst. What do you call a judge with no thumbs? Justice fingers. Did you hear about the butcher who backed into his meat...
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Is it an old fashioned view that it's not a good idea to have sex on a first date? What is your view on this. I wonder whether girls who do this either are desperate to secure a man/husband and think...
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This young girl who broke into the Beals place who everyone seems to dislike who is she? They call her Sindy. I've watched Enders for years but I cannot recall who she is. Anyone? jem....
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7. an american actress (7,4) 10. has a long journey (9,5) 14. celebrate with batter (6,7) 38. a chocolate feasting day (6,6) thanks in advance...
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Nursing School.....!! A woman enrolled in nursing school is attending an anatomy class. The subject of the day is involuntary muscles. The instructor, hoping to perk up the students a bit, asks the...
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An honest seven-year-old, admitted calmly to her parents, that Billy Brown had kissed her after class. "How did that happen?" gasped her mother, "It wasn't easy," admitted the young lady, "but three...
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If you are a senior you will understand this one; if you deal with seniors, this should help you understand them a little better, and if you are not a senior yet........ God willing, someday you will...
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A Catholic Priest, a Baptist Preacher and a Rabbi all served as Chaplains to the students of Northern Michigan University at Marquette in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. They would get together two...
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WORLD SURVEY BY PHONE Last month a world-wide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was: "Could you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest...
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Things that are difficult to say when you’re drunk: Cinnamon Proliferation Indupitably Innovative Preliminary Things that are VERY difficult to say when you’re drunk: British Constitution...
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Is anyone else having a problem logging in to their Hotmail account? When I try to log in to my account (which I've had for ages) I'm asked to enter a code, which they then send to one of my other...
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Those pics in the paper today of little Georgie Porgie aren't they beautiful? Mum & Dad look good too. jem....
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A doctor is going round the ward with a nurse and they come to the first bed where the chap is laying half dead. "Did you give this man two tablets every eight hours?" asks the doctor. "Oh, no,"...
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Heard today that Tesco were fined £300.000 for false advertising. While I'm glad they did I can't help wondering where or who got that £300.000? All the money thats paid to the courts who's bank...
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that there's a library near me. They kept that quiet....
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A young woman was pulled over in Rupert, Idaho for speeding. As the Minidoka County Police Officer walked to her car window, flipping Open His ticket book. She said, "I bet you are going to sell me a...
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Dear God, Help me log on without fretting Guide me as I'm interneting Bless my downloading and uploading Keep my browser from exploding. May my website be protected Let not my password be rejected...
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With Chris Fountain now disgraced & with the sack looming (or at least a suspension) the Corrie writers must be tearing their hair out. There will be no one left soon!...
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You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut-up.

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