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do they have to take a photo now .i was parked with a blue badge and the time was set right however they said my car was parked on the pavment. this was not true can any one let me no thank you
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I was recently pulled over on the A1M for speeding. The officer clocked me doing 103.1 mph over a distance of 0.8 miles. He said i now have to wait for a court summons but will most likely be banned...
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The salesman says he can offer no discount on A Mini Cooper he is bound by the prices in the brochure by the Manufacturer. True or False do you think. ?
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Don't they annoy you?? Where there is limited parking spaces, these idiots take up 2 spaces. Why cannot they park closer to the car in front or in their allocated space? Cannot they see they are...
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can a renault clio 1.4 16valve dynamique be superchipped
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Liza B
My daughter is learning to drive, she is a named driver on her boyfriends insurance policy. He has had a full licence for a year and he is 21 years old. Can I sit with her while she is driving his car...
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can anyone tell me is it possible for someone to break into the boot of a car that is alarmed without the alarm going off and without causing any damage. my husbands tool were stolen from his 2006...
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what are those two holes on either side of my bog standard pug 206 radio and do i need to remove them to replace my exsiting radio with a sony CDX-M600R
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can anyone tell me whether a milege of 70,000+ on 1999 KA is too high and would it be worth buying a car with so many miles? thanks

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