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I looked down the list of letters thinking: no clue lengths, no clue numbers, no idea which is across or even, 26 numbers to choose from. Aargh! Luckily, once it gets going, things speed up and to a...
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I see that trux and Starwalker have posted already, elsewhere. As I did, they quickly found the quotation and are now working hard.
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dr b
Greetings fellow Listenerites, This should be a week free of controversy, I think. A nice solid puzzle, with the three different types of clues keeping things interesting. The two thematic grid...
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I'm delighted to see that there is, after all, a Listener this week, and glad I signed up to the on-line service as our local newsagent does not open on New Year's Day. It's a nice puzzle, but prompts...
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Although I am nowhere near finished, the grid-fill seems fairly straightforward. Despite the very long preamble, I am not expecting any major problems, so please can we try to keep any hints to an...
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Invisible Ink was back in 1995, before I started solving the listener, however I have solved a few of Sabre's puzzles, who often uses ciphers and this is no exception. The grid filling started off...
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A step up in difficulty here. We've floundered our way to a complete grid with crime fighters, an item of clothing and a set of villains, though I am not sure which one is the appropriate one to...
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This week we have Hexes by Stick Insect. Very straighforward compared with last week's gem. I thought there was a little ambiguity with shading, which I took to be resolved by requiring symmetry in a...
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This week's offering is Sine Qua Non by Shackleton. No one should panic that I have finished it already - I've only just read the preamble and feel the need for a lie down in a darkened room. No doubt...
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This one's a gem: don't be put off by the complex instructions or that fearsome 65,536 possible combinations: It all comes out well in the end. Good, fair clues, some lovely PDM's, and a satisfying...
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This week's offering is "Five Dots" by Franc, which feels somewhat reminiscent of one or two of his previous puzzles. More difficult than some of the recent offerings, but sound and...
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This week's offering is "The Glady Marsh" by Salamanca. This is only the second Salamanca Listener that I have seen that is not part of his Plays of the Bard series. Another fairly fast grid...
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This week's offering is "364 263 by Xanthippe" A straightforward grid fill which now leaves me with the problem of following the instructions, whilst not being an owner of the required...
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Welcome to a new Listener year with Be My Guest by MR E for starters.
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This week's offering is "Overhead Reduction" by Schadenfreude. No mention of colouring, but apparently scissors, paper, adhesive and a straight edge will be required. Hmmmm !
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After last weeks colourful and interesting diversion (think my times tables are in much better fettle now!), thought I would start this weeks thread off, if I may. This certainly looks like an...
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Another week, another thread. This week's Listener is the "dreaded" numbers puzzle, which actually looks like it might be fun.
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Maybe all our prominent members are resting after last week's exertions, so I'll kick off this week's thread. Haven't had more than a glance at it yet and am not too familiar with this setter.
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I've never tried this one before so any letters I have could be wrong. 5dn Precious stone - recklessly getting one for old European (10) ?l???e??n? 18ac Incompetent person has tender going round...
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Here is the link to this week's listener crossword remember the railway linked previous listener from ploy "travelling light" - will this have a similar theme? enjoy

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