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I've been friends with this girl for a few months now, we only are around each other in groups though. Still, whenever we're together I feel like I'm picking up signals from her. - she asks to be on...
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Whats so good about teeth flossing? Hardly ever floss my teeth, had very little dental work done. Floss my teeth and end up with a mouth full off blood...? ?? Do you floss? Do you bleed like a pig...
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Is Lucifer Your King?
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Is there any specific steps to follow the process of field services scheduling?
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Have accidentally deleted Google bar on my Samsung tablet. How do I re add it please....
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How do I restore Google app on my Samsung tablet please....
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what uk channels can be obtained with Roku stick in spain
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If you liked someone who didn’t like you is going no contact best to do to get over them but I am feeling guilty about it did I do the right thing I feel horrible about it...
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I don't go out much, so not near cash points to get cash to pay my cleaning lady. I pay Bill's etc using online banking. I want to find a way to pay her without cash. I broached the subject once but...
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Shall I boil or microwave my haggis? What’s the best method?...
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Hi, I'm looking to sign up to a site but it's asking for 2FA with a phone number, which I don't want to provide (site looks a little suspicious).. has anyone any experience of using temporary phone...
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Winzip registry optimizer is a virus. I have searched for many ways to remove it and downloaded virus removal programs. They don,t remove winzip registry optimizer. I want to remove winzip registry...
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Is it possible to download the Toby Carvery app on an iPad? If so, can someone tell me how to do it?...
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Hi I was just wondering I have a friend who bites her nails, if you stop biting your nails how long do your nails take to grow. And she sucks her thumb and was just wondering would her thumb nail...
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Most notably on climate change, but on many other subjects as well such as vaccinations, diet, and a myriad of other things, can we trust scientists? How do we mame decisions? My personal interests...
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(idle moment at work watching someone on the internet look at feet.)  what is the proper name for foot fetish or someone with a foot fetish? h
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What's the best kind of massage oil to use on somebody with a trapped nerve? Are there any that are particularly good at relaxing the muscles, easing pain etc?
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Some Bibles may have picture of the star of David in it.
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Just got a new computer with windows 10 pre installed. I've had more crashes in a week than I had in 20 years with previous versions.It doesn't matter what I'm doing.Today it's Word. I type away for 5...
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Is it possible to skip the ads on one of the "free with ads" movies on Vudu (a movie/TV streaming service, like Netflix but you have to pay)?...

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