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Does anyone know why Z Lister non celebrity Sinitta is in the Jungle? She hates creepy crawlies and made herself look silly in that cave ... I can't wait to see her do (or not do) this task after the...
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Who agree's that WW3 is just around the corner? And who will start it? I think Germany.... Third time lucky. They are already the most powerfull (and bossy) country in Europe. Poor old Winston must be...
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AB Editor
I'm thinking we could have a nice chatty thread for over Christmas, the top could be filled with all our Avatars, like a massive school photo! It could look like this: {loading} If you'd like to be...
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I have noticed on a persons care plan and medical records that she has stage 3 kidney disease, the family who have cared for her for many years are unaware of this complaint and she is on no...
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He was fantastic wasn't he?
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Are there any laws preventing Opposite sex carers providing Personal care within a residential care home setting? I am horrified to discover that male carers within my Mothers care home have been...
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A christian churchman claimed that god's spirit entered the brave people who rescued victims from the horrific Taunton M5 pile up. I cannot comprehend the mental processes that led him to make such a...
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Both Jews and Muslims lop bits off their young male children, not for medical reasons, but because their religions demand it, so a hypothetical question. If a case were brought before the European...
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Hi everyone, i would like some advice please. As people may or may not know me and my husbands lives have been turned upside down over the last year with the loss of two children. It is just coming up...
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On Facebook, I keep getting a little message coming up that asks me if I want to remove a script and then says “A script on this page is causing internet explorer to run slowly …”...
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we just cannot believe these result tonight !!!!
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I work as a home carer -usually alone. Twice I have come across ladies who have fallen out of bed and I struggle to get them up off the floor. Whats the best and safest way to d this single-handed?
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I proclaim a great revelation to all those who turn to AB in their search for truth. We have seen how AB Ed watches over us from afar ; how he speaks words of wisdom for our guidance ; how he brings...
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Had one an hr or two ago...can take three a day but can i take another right now!? X
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Just watching a documentary of Susan Boyle on ITV 1 - what do you think of her? Do you like her voice?
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Dont ruin it for others - took me half a bloody hour to "click" Remember dont say !! Can u c whats wrong with this bathroom xxx http://s757.photobuck...&evt=user_media_share...
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Just been watching the Panorama program featuring these selfish lowlives. Why are people such idiots? They behave appallingly when caught and make any number of lame excuses. How shall we stop this?...
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This bird is roosting on top our exterior light over our front door for the second year, he arrived back with us a few days ago, we know when he is here as he poops all over the doormat. We are happy...
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Now that many of us drive German cars, use German kitchen appliances, vacuum machines, etc., is it not time to take up German as a first language? What do you think Volks?...
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Do you know any product that "really" works?

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