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yucca lover
I have repotted my yucca it is in my lounge, didn't know it could go outside had it for about 10 years will it be safe to plant it outside
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Whilst I hesitate to pose yet another yucca question, I can hardly resist and after all it IS still the weekend. I have an enormous flower spike on my garden yucca and so do all my friends who have...
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I have a variegated Yucca in a huge pot on our patio. It is 20 years old but it has only tried to flower once - at the wrong time of year - in late November (silly plant, you can guess what happened -...
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can someone help! my mum has a yucca plant whose head [the main leafy part on top of the trunk] recently died and fell off. however, now little baby yucca shoots have started growing at the top, to...
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I will be purchasing a yucca plant (house plant) this summer, and wanted to know, if setting it in my living room or in the hallway, will be a good spot for its growth. Will I need to purchase plant...
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I have Yucca with several offshoots. I would like to propagate to increase my Yucca population......Methods please.......Jeff
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I just noticed that my yucca's are growing these little yellow shutes (kinda looks like tall mushrooms) everywhere in its pots, I have just noticed this in the last couple of days, they are not...
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Ivy McCoy
My Yucca's are dying one by one. They seem to have some sort of root rot.They just fall over .What can I do to stop this before all of my Yucca's are gone.
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I have a Yucca plant indoors - I believe it is called a spineless yucca. It is about four years old and receives plenty of sunshine. Recently it has started to look unwell with the bottom leaves...
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Leaves on my Yucca plant has recently started to shrivel and die from the top, they are losing their colour to become white - any ideas of how to save my faithful yucca?
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I have had my Yucca for many years and it has been brilliant, losing the odd leaf now and again. As far as I'm aware there are no changes to its environment or treatment but suddenly and I mean...
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Hi all who have been with me on this one... I have today had a look at the bark of a Cordyline and a Yucca.... it appears we do indeed have a cordyline here after all.... so I will post my question...
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I do some gardening for a freind and she has an 12ft yucca.... a thick middle stem and a few stems off of it....she has asked me if I can cut the top off and replant it in another place in the...
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I do some gardening for a freind and she has an 8ft yucca.... a thick middle stem and a few stems off of it....she has asked me if I can cut the top off and replant it in another place in the garden.?...
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Hi - urgent advice needed please from AB gardeners! We have a beautiful 20 year old Yucca Gloriosa plant 4 ft tall growing in an enormous clay pot. It has been in this pot for the past 10 years and at...
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Ok, so I had a nice tall leafy Yucca which died on me (probably my fault), but just as I am about to throw it out (no leaves left), there is a new growth coming up through the soil, ie new green...
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Hi all, My Yucca has just finished flowering and I was wondering whether I should cut out the dead stem or leave it to wilt and fall off naturally. Different people have told me either way but I would...
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I have a Yucca plant that has sprouted little shoots at the top of the plant (just like the main stem) and need to know if I slice then off and plant them will they take? Regards
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28a: A species of Yucca plant (5-6) I have: a-a-s -e-d-e...
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28 across: species of Yucca: a?a?s ?e?e?e could it be adam's needle?

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Why did you choose the ID's you have on here. Mine was because I was in a sour relationship with my ex and I_Tried hence the id. Whats your reasons? come on all lets hear them
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please treat me kindly as i am a very researved person not like yucca lover as crazy as her plant
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robin dearde
Is my yukka plant poisonous - The cat has been stopped a few time from trying to chew at it. I had a quick google and haven't found info on that aspect. Not sure if Yukka is a generic term that covers...
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I have the above in vertabra C3 and C4 of my neck. It's chronic and irriversible.....does anyone else suffer and what do you do to releive the pain ?Ta muchly
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yucca lover
I have repotted my yucca it is in my lounge, didn't know it could go outside had it for about 10 years will it be safe to plant it outside
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Hi, I am trying to find the name of a plant. The only way I can descibe it, is that it is tall & has creamy white petals which resemble upside down garlic cloves Many thanks, Jersey, C.I.....
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I was just wondering, now the winters starting to set in, why do women generally feel the cold more than men?. My wife, bless her, has the heating on, and she wears a fleece, while I suffocate, and in...
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yucca lover
I have repotted my yucca it is in my lounge, didn't know it could go outside had it for about 10 years will it be safe to plant it outside
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yucca lover
My yucca has become top heavy and the trunk seems to small for the plant, what can I do?
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where does the yucca plant come from
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Can you plant the seeds in the little pods on the yucca plant and will they grow from the seeds
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I have a Yucca plant indoors - I believe it is called a spineless yucca. It is about four years old and receives plenty of sunshine. Recently it has started to look unwell with the bottom leaves...
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why are the top leaves of my yucca plant dying?
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I went to my brother's new home in Ramsgate and saw a beautiful plant in his garden, but no-one knows the name of it. I've looked on Google through hundreds of garden plants to no avail, I will try to...
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gness, not the book.....the one on the end of my leg..... It has put itself up for adoption.... :-( It hasn't been happy since it fell on the ice two years ago and was neglected.... Last week we...the...
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It is about 7 foot high and 3 foot round at base. My friend said she wants to move it to somewhere else in the garden but I am not sure it could be done.? I have read you can cut them in half and...
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please could someone suggest a unique but easy to get hold of plant that i can keep in my bedroom, (Not LOADS of light but still regular light) what I'm thinking of is more of a small tree type plant,...
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I haven't a clue when it comes to any sort of knowledge about plants, but I like that they bring a room to life. I work long hours and my living room doesn't get much sunlight. I'm not into flowering...
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I have a Yucca plant that has sprouted little shoots at the top of the plant (just like the main stem) and need to know if I slice then off and plant them will they take? Regards
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Lewis Ellis
Has anyone heard of a Yuccawood, we have an anagram with those letters and that is all I can come up with but find no reference in any of my books. Would appreciate if anyone can confirm for me, many...

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Tell me about the yucca plant, please

The yucca is a succulent, tree-like plant native to southern North America, Mexico and parts of the Caribbean - in other words, the hot bits! It thrives in drought and blossoms with creamy clusters01:00 Tue 23rd Jul 2002

The ups and downs of life with a Yucca

Indoors or out, the Yucca is a hardy and attractive plant that doesn't need much looking after. Until the time comes to say goodbye... It's the plant that doesn't always do what it's told!12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Yucca or Yukka

It's yucca, and it's quite a plant. In fact, it can be hard to stop it growing12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

The ups and downs of life with a Yucca

Indoors or out, the Yucca is a hardy and attractive plant that doesn't need much looking after. Until the time comes to say goodbye... It's the plant that doesn't always do what it's told!12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

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