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Doesn't It Drive You Mad.....

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Barsel | 17:52 Fri 11th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
when you wait in for someone and they don't turn up.? The appointment was made over the phone and they didn't give me a number so I can't phone to complain. Grrrr.


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Damned bad manners and infuriating. One of the things that gets my goat.!!
Drives me crazy, I think it’s total bad manners Barsel
Yes, I waited in for a BT engineer one day and he didn't turn up! At least I will get £25 compensation for the no-show
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Oh well, that's something elliiemay to get compensation. Must remember to ask for a phone number next time so I can complain.
Very annoying!
Dashed bad form, dewn't yew knew.
On the brighter side, they missed a chance to meet you
i have been like that for two weeks waiting for couriers, has me hopping mad, no way to contact them either,

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Doesn't It Drive You Mad.....

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