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The Pearly Gates

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Deskdiary | 13:59 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Jokes
4 Answers

A man is at the Pearly Gates and sees a load of clocks behind St Peter. He asked what are those for. St Peter replies they're lie clocks and record everybody's lies. He then says that's Mother Theresa's clock which have never moved showing she's never lied. That one is Abraham Lincoln's and it's only moved twice showing he only lied twice.


The man then asked, where's Keir Starmer's clock - St Peter replied were using it as a fan. 



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Very funny Dd, I never saw that coming.

I think William Pitt was the first target of that "joke"

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Difficult for hard left like canary to accept reality.

yes, I first heard it in the 1960s, about when Starmer was starting school.

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The Pearly Gates

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