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Atheists don't exist?

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Cowtipper | 03:54 Wed 04th May 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
111 Answers
I haven't found a single scientific proof to prove that atheists exist. I've seen plenty of anecdotal evidence but no solid proof. So all you argumentative no-God-loving types should stand up and show proof they exist. Bonus points for showing proof God doesn't exist.

Claiming you're an atheist is anecdotal. I want real, solid, and scientific proof sustainable in a laboratory environment.


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Arti, you got it all wrong, Forget asking God for a bike, it wont happen. You are supposed to steal the bike and then ask God to forgive you.
Lol, Rat
Put me on a Polygraph machine, its the nearest you will ever get to proof.

As for proof God doesn't exist, Common sense is proof enough for me.

Believing in an invisible man in the sky is totally absurd!!!
For the record, I do believe in God. I have my private reasons for that. I don't, however, have any qualms whatsoever with people who don't believe. The bible doesn't do it for me, though. My own bible has just two words in it: Be Nice.
Mine has two words too, they are on the cover and say "don't panic" in large friendly letters.
Arti, you have confused me< you dont believe the Bible, so where do you find this God of yours?

Im an Atheist, I dont need a bible to tell me to be nice" I have morals unrelated to any God or book, My Mother taught me. My Mother was far superior to any God, Why? she had never killed anyone or promoted death in any way shape or form she has never supported slavery or condoned it. She was just a lovely warm person, unfortunately she is now deceased.

Life is so much nicer when you dont need a God to tell you what is right and wrong, when you can take the credit yourself.
The difference between truth and fiction is that fiction has to make sense.
if it's all anecdotal, and everyone's looking for proof, I'm struggling to decide whether or not to stand up and be counted as an atheist or stand up and be counted as god. Seeing as god doesn't actually do anything other than 'acts' which are subjectively interpreted, I could actually be god!! Go me!
I like that Sqad lol
RATTER I am not just a pretty face......I am not EVEN a pretty face :-)
Pa_ul you could be. If I pray to you I would get exactly the same result as I would do praying to god. If I call on you to smite my enemies or cure the sick I would get unsmitten enemies and people still sick.

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Just had a thought I can get that result praying to anyone. WE ARE ALL GOD
We've been thorough this before. None of you exist, you are all figments of my imagination. And reading thought Answerbank I have proof I must be going slowly nuts. (I must stop eating cheese before bedtime, I'm sure that's what does it.)
I know that my redeemer liveth and nothing you heathens say will sway me.
Davethedog, why do you insult me so, I am a far nicer person than this God you speak of, if you ask for my help, it is possible than you will get it, if you ask this God character for help, it is impossible that he,it, will help you.
Ratter my apologies I meant should I ask in the abstract.

Are you up for a bit of enemy smiting on Friday?
Dave, you are most likely to get the result praying to yourself.. we are all our own gods!
Many people have a deeply felt need for some kind of God/power of life and death to believe in. With or without scientific proof, I cannot help feeling there must be something else besides this life. If belief brings peace of mind then so be it and don't deny it to others.
As I have always understood it - the essence of a belief in God is faith - the concept of belief without proof.

Atheism - and i am an aetheist - is simply an absence of that belief, rather than a contrary blelief that God does NOT exist.

As far as I am concerned, death is the end - nothing afterwards.

If however I am pleasantly surprised to find that God does exist, then as a good person, he will embrace me and bring me into his kingdom, so really, I have all bases covered.

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Atheists don't exist?

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