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The Rise Of Islam In The West , Why Has This All Just Come About Recently ?

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beezaneez | 11:58 Sat 07th Sep 2013 | Society & Culture
99 Answers
i am concerned when i see muslims trying to implement sharia law in uk. 15 years ago i never heard of EDL or never took much notice of islam or anything like that, i knew there was national front and racist groups (braindead idiots ) but now im watching what is happening to our country and i have to agree with ukip and also EDL. also why are america so concerned with syria, every one knows the rebels are islamic terrorists. why ? oil ? n.w.o ? what ?

i cannot understand the world we live in today and i fear for my childrens future.


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CoE clerics some while ago, not Islamic ones, were speaking for allowing Sharia in the UK. The masochist flagellants who think of themselves as the great and the good persistently make excuses for the vile sub-class. It's all our fault. Under no circumstances provoke them. Don't poke them with a pointed stick - they can't control themselves (acknowledgement to LazyGun). The fact that the making of a "Life of Mo" is unthinkable and that no-one of us has seen the Danish cartoons on TV or in the national press shows how far the chattering classes have taking us along the road to appeasement and how far our right to free speech (not that of the barbarians) has been curtailed.
USAs involvement in Syria is down to the concern of its governments use of chemical weapons; both sides in this conflict are Islamic.
V_E, some possible reasons why the co-believers of radical muslims do nothing to moderate there behaviour or 'correct' their thinking.
1. Fear of reprisals by the fundamentalists.
2. Ignorance of their deeds.
3. Apathy and denial of joint responsibility.
4. Secret support of fundamentist's devotion to Islam.
5. Lack of any kind of unified Islamic authority.
6. The importation of ignorant and bigotted mullahs to lead prayers in their mosques.
7. Lack of appreciation of the long term consequences of fundamentalist's deeds.
8. They are only doing what the koran instructs them to do.
V_E, the full set of Danish cartoons, is easily available on the web, the last bastion of free speech.
//Lightbulb, you conveniently ignore the vast numbers actually leaving Islam – 6 million a year in Africa alone.//

Naomi, no i do not ignore them, actually you have helped me by providing this statistic. You've helped me in proving that the apparent "rise of islam in the west" is being feared for nothing. If people are leaving, than why are you worried about a "rise of islam?"

yes, people are leaving islam, but people are also converting, like so many religions, so i would say theres a balance.
There is no need to fear. If anything, you would certainly find that most Muslims would love to live in peace with their non-muslim neighbours. Most would love to live a normal life. Sadly most muslims also get portrayed in the media as savage and un civilised, even if it is not presented like this directly. This is not the case. Muslims want to live in peace, in their own countries and with other people. Sadly the Western world has decided that this does not make good headlines and business.
I watched Stacey Dooley’s video (thank you Jom) but it seemed to me she asked the wrong people the wrong questions. Rather than speak to radical Islamists, whose views are already well-known, about the prospect of the introduction of Sharia Law into this country, I would have liked her to ask some of the many thousands of moderate Muslims, who, despite their hugely overwhelming numbers, appear to make little effort to vigorously condemn the extremists, how they feel about it. I’d hazard a guess that few would object.

Lightbulb, I don’t think you’ve really thought about that not-so-bright blog. Would you welcome the introduction of Sharia Law into this country – or would you openly oppose it?
Maybe moderate followers of Islam have enough problems in their lives, high unemployment, racism, and Islamophobia, for example, without adding to them by putting their head above the parapet and engaging in a slanging match with militants in their own community.
Perhaps if they stood together in their many thousands to denounce the apparently few militant Islamists in their midst, they could cure one of the problems they allegedly face - Islamophobia - in one fell swoop.
I don't think UK muslims need to give us their views because they are the same as the views expressed in the koran. Otherwise they would be apostates and thus dead.
^^ There you have it!
i believe they will be the majority religion one day in UK, whilst it is true that many put CofE or other on the census forms, doubt that there are too many true church attenders and openly declare their Christian faith. While that is not the case with adherents to Islam, i only have to look around me to see that, there are mosques, centres for prayer popping up all over the place, and women who once did not wear a burkha, now do, go figure that as the Americans would say.
Our governments have let this happen, they are the ones who will flee when the doo doo hits the fan. Alarmist nonsense to some, i don't know, but i only see this rise in Islam across Britain and the rest of the world as a bad thing.
Not remotely funny, was on the bus coming home the other day, two blokes got on, one carrying a full size cardboard coffin, with a name of a child on it, that had been killed by a drone. Protesters off to who knows where, white men fighting the good fight, one bloke had the strongest Northern Ireland accent, i felt like saying did you also condemn some of your fellow countrymen who killed innocents, but i let it lie, being on public transport is stressful enough as it is.
emmie; Some good points but - // [I] doubt that there are too many true church attenders and openly declare their Christian faith.// It isn't axiomatic that Christian faith is dependent on church attendance, fewer people go to church I agree, and there are many reasons for that, but it doesn't mean that they would call themselves atheists.
Islam can only prevail where there is no broad education. If you look at a map of the world, all Muslim countries are the bottom of the heap regarding education and culture. Have you ever seen the type of people shown demonstrating in Stacey Dooley (whom God preserve) 's film in attendance at the opera, concert hall, art gallery or even a sporting event?
There are no burkhas at Bayreuth !
Khandro, I do sometimes wonder if many of the islamic academics and mullahs have ever read any book other than the koran or books about it. Islam does seem to specialize in extreme ignorance.
^^ All that is necessary to become an Imam is to know the Koran and nothing else. In an attempt to counter this, my nearby University of Tübingen, which is famous for its department of theology, is starting to train Islamic clerics within the department, I haven't checked on how successful this experiment is going, but intend to do so soon.
//Lightbulb, I don’t think you’ve really thought about that not-so-bright blog. Would you welcome the introduction of Sharia Law into this country – or would you openly oppose it? //

while i agree with some of the things in shariah law, no, i would not like to see it in Britain as Britain has its own laws.

however i think people overreact and it does not help that shariah law gets presented in the media as almost the work of the devl.

I believe i have made myself clear on this thread. On to the next one.
Lightbulb, don’t run off. You haven’t made yourself clear. You’ve told me you wouldn’t welcome the introduction of Sharia Law into this country, but I asked you if you would openly oppose it – and you haven’t answered that.

//Lightbulb, don’t run off. You haven’t made yourself clear. You’ve told me you wouldn’t welcome the introduction of Sharia Law into this country, but I asked you if you would openly oppose it – and you haven’t answered that.//

//while i agree with some of the things in shariah law, no, i would not like to see it in Britain as Britain has its own laws. //

i have answered your question, you merely need to open your eyes and take a closer look. I will repeat it for your benefit however. While i believe shariah law gets an overreaction from people, i would not like to see it in britain as this country has its own laws, so yes, i would oppose it in this country but if by oppose you mean protest against it than no, i would not go on the streets and protest against it.

there you go, i have made my opinion clear, but as usual, probably not clear enough for you.

Lightbulb, no, not quite clear enough for me. I asked if you would openly oppose it. Would you, for example, tell all the people at the mosque you attend that you oppose it?

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