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oligopoly | 01:43 Wed 29th Jun 2005 | People & Places
21 Answers

To settle a debate:

My friend smokes cigarettes, but only at the weekend. Would you class people who smoke in this way as smokers or non-smokers?

Please support your answer with reasoning




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To quote your question: "My friend smokes cigarettes"
Therefore by definition your friend is a smoker. You have admitted it.

A non-smoker is someone who does NOT smoke cigarettes.  So why are you confused?

Yes - and "social smoker" is not really an option - you either smoke, or you don't. 

I concede that someone who smokes one a month or something could class themselves as a non-smoker.  Otherwise, you're either a smoker or you're not - clear cut.  Your friend is. 

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thanks acw, thats what i was suggesting to my friend.

gen2: perhaps i made the question slightly leading as it was my opinion and understanding that this would classify him as a smoker. I dont understand your choice of words of 'admitted' or 'confused'. I have neither admitted nor am confused. It was my opinion that he should be classed as a 'smoker'.......

oligopoly, I was just taking the words from what you had stated.  Hence my use of the term 'admitted'.  Maybe I should have just said 'stated'.

My use of the term 'confused' was my interpretation of the ambiguity between you stating that your friend smoked, and then asking the question 'Is he a classed as a smoker?'

Either way, I think it is clear cut just as acw agreed.  Your friend is a smoker.

Oligo, I would define your friend as smoker. I gave up smoking 14 years ago but during a recent medical check the doctor who was taking my details asked if I smoked. When I told him how long I'd gone without the weed he still put "Smoker" on the form. I asked why, his reply? "If you've only smoked 1 fag you're still classed as a smoker". I could'nt believe what I was hearing!!!
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fina - ha   :-)    i guess he's in denial perhaps....

cheers for the answers guys

an occasional smoker, but still a smoker.
more than just an occasional smoker, I'd have said: a regular smoker, though not a heavy one. Still, FINA's doctor seems to be going a bit over the top. Presumably if you stubbed your toe when you were six, he'd classify you as 'lame'.

i would call this recreational smoking. if he doesn't smoke everyday he obviously isn't addicted so to my mind he's really a non-smoker.

I only cycle at the weekends. Does that make me a cyclist or an non-cyclist?

It makes me a regular cyclist... done only at weekends... but a REGULAR CYCLIST!!

As Frances1 said: Obviously not addicted. But Frances1... ? A non-smoker... ? How can a person do something regularly but be 'described' as not doing it?

Most people seem to be in agreement and I agree with them - your friend is a smoker, oligopoly whether they want to see it that way or not.
A week is made up of 7 days and your friend smokes during 2 of them, then what about

  • bank holidays?
  • summer holidays?
  • parties?
  • meals with other friends who may light up?

Another question - how many cigarettes does your friend smoke, or can it be counted in 'number of packets', at weekends?

If you are a smoker that means you smoke whether it be 1, 5 or 50 every day, once a week, once a month, once a year. Just like purpose says, it's regular or we could even say a habit (ooh, how horrid: a HABIT???!).
If you are a non-smoker you do not smoke and have neither the inclination nor the temptation to light up. Unless your FINA's doctor, of course!

By the way, I'm a smoker but not just at weekends!

If someone who drinks only at weekends can be labelled binge drinker, maybe your friend could be a binge smoker :)

I had a medical a few years ago and was asked about my smoking habits. At the time I smoked about 5 a day and he said that was negligible. Top doc! He also said (and this is the point of my posting) that if you had one drink every day you wouldn�t be an alcoholic. He then rambled on about why you get smokers and non-smokers (smokers being �bad�) but with alcohol you get drinkers, non-drinkers (both good) and alcoholics (bad). You�re friend is a smoker, Artful sounds like a smokeaholic.

The medical definition of an alcoholic is 'Someone who drinks more than his doctor'.

You cheeky thing, Glossopswift suggesting I may be a smokeaholic!!
Actually, I don't think so: 20/15 years ago I smoked between 30/40 cigarettes a day (non-tipped) but my life style was------ermmm, shall I say a little different then. Anyway non-tipped are almost impossible to find today and I am hopeless at rolling my own!
Today I may smoke 0 a day as I might smoke 10 and when I have my 36 hours monthly trip to hospital (nothing to do with smoking!!) I don't think about a cigarette (but I do have them in my bag - who knows there might be a siege or something!).
In fact I can quite happily not bother as chain smoke - the thing I can't stand is being told that I mustn't, it's forbidden. Hospitals don't affect me as I find not smoking there common sense and respect for others.

Loved your last comment, jno.

Artful - my apologies to a reformed smokeaholic, from a reformed smoker! I managed to get from the 5 per day average down to about 1 packet per year, always on late night drives back from day long meetings (and always in a hire car!). It's great when you can enjoy a cig knowing that you aren't falling off the wagon, but it took me a few years to get there. In the past 12 months I have bought 2 packets of ten, and in each case have thrown a few away because I am bored. It makes me feel very superior.
Just wondering if your friend inhales his/her cigarette smoke?

Congratulations, Glossopswift. Keep on down that road. We cannot buy packs of 10 over here so I buy packets of 25 but no more than 2 packets a week! I feel pretty good about that and if I don't have any on me I really try to not cadge one!

I get fed up with those who call themselves non-smokers over here because they've stopped buying their own cigs and get them from everyone else. Boy, does that make me mad.

I Dont drink: dont smoke and I dont Swear:

Fu*k it, I left my fags in the pub(:)

vinny your funny! i read your responce and spit my coffee out cause you made me laugh!

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