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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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I belted a boy once who was tormenting an injured pigeon...he said he's get his Mum onto me but I laughed and he ran away.
Oooh Woofie. I shouted at kids really angrilly and shook my fists at them. They were chasing the local ducks and ducklings around and screaming at the tops of their voices. and their parents were laughing at them. The parents shouted obscenties back at me!! I can't abide children who torment animals!! But I hate their parents more!!!
I was younger than him at the time :-)
I smashed a chair on Mr N's head once.

When we lived in Truro in 79/80 we had a 200 yr old cottage which opened right onto the street and one day the front door was open and I threw a fried egg at Mr N who avoided it and it hit the postman smack in the face, I felt dreadful, imagine these days, I would have been sued! If the front door was open, the locals would wander in to have a look and see what we had done to the cottage

I have a very hard wallop so had to be very careful who(m) I walloped as I would leave a handprint !!!
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a flying fried egg, hahahahahaha...

<dons colander...I'm seeing a whole new side to this lot & it ain't pretty...>
But we are pretty to look at!!!!
I have got my Dad's temper. He was a gentle man and kept a really really good handle on it and I have to as well. Puberty was blooming hard, it got way easier when i started to speak my Neti I pack a wallop.
Of course, I didn't mention the plate of lamb stew that I poured over Mr LL's head in temper. He was ready to go to work in a nice, clean white shirt and his airport uniform. He calmy left the table, got changed and departed for work without saying a single word........................

I sat and finished me stew and dumplings.

Nite nite biddies

I'm walloping off to bed before I fall asleep standing up .
I'll convey your good wishes to my soon to be OAP .
Sleep tight people and keep warm , it's turned ever so cold here xxxxx.
Oh Ps ..I just looked at your pics Robinia and you look very swish .Love the hat :) xx
Look what you've started Robi with all this walloping :o) I only ever hit one kid at school in the infants. I had good reason - she knocked my specs off my face so she got a thump.
Just got back from a great evening with my family. Nephews Nieces Grandmas Grandad Aunts and Uncles. I've been WI Dancing with the young ones and my sister. Great fun and having a sing song with one of them playing the piano which belonged to my Mum and Dad. My Nephew's wife is Serbian and some of her family were there and they were celebrating cos Djokovic the Serbian tennis player is through to the final of the Aussie open. I'm hoping Murray gets through tomorrow morning. So that's my Friday morning organised.

Hope you all have a good night. See yer later 'gater(s)
Oh Jude, I can't keep up with all your galavanting about. Just reading about all your outings makes me feel tired ;o). Glad you had a good day. I have been a lazy moo today!! xx
morning all, cold again this morning...but i remembered my long johns.
Morning all. Rain has just stipped after 2nights and 1 day without stopping. Our leccy kept going bang so Mr N had to keep getting up with a torch to reset the switch, as I am terrified of the leccy box which is ,incidently, very safe! The sun is out now, am off to see if I can get q decent haircut later.

I was a right wimp at school, wouldn't say boo to a goose (mind you I wouodn't now as they can be vicious I believe) But my "best friend" used to turn on me sometimes and I would just be so upset, then one day I turned round and walloped her, my god she was so surprised and never messed me up again but by then I'd had enough and found another best friend. I still see the old bully occasionally when I visit Eastbourne and she doesn't remember it! Anyway I have fared much better than she and I look much better so have had my revenge!!!
Cold and icy but nice and sunny here. Off out with Meggie and a friend. See you later, gaters (as Jude would say) x
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Good morning biddybashers...<hands out the hoodies> ...
I don't remember ever bopping anyone...if I did I apologise profusely...but I don't recall having much bother with anyone, I had a boyfriend who did any necessary walloping for me. :o)

Freezing here, literally. I filled the bird baths an hour ago & there's a layer of ice on them now.

Had a quick mail from Kit. She sends her love & lots of hoo de hoos and says there may be light at the end of the tunnel re her building problems. Hurray \o/.. Please keep everything crossed for her.

That's it neti, the best revenge is to flaunt your faboolussness, just like me...
goodness, don't think I've ever walloped anyone. Or thrown fried eggs at them - but then I see myself as Casablanca rather than the Keystone Kops.

There have been birds at the feeder this morning, the first time since before Christmas. They are very erratic diners. The snow brought them out, but only for a couple of days. then they all vanished again. I don't know what's made them return. It's supposed to be Bird Counting Weekend tomorrow apparently, so maybe they're planning to put on a nice show for us.
Back from coffee and hairdressers, anti-crisis, 10€ wash, conditioned, head massage, cut, blow dry all for 10e brill!

Should be front and back but tinypic is playing up (or maybe my computer!) Ignore clothes, they are for the house only.
Back now. Lovely walk for 1.5 hrs. Everything still frozen, but the sun is out and it is lovely walking weather.

Like the haircut Neti. I would love to have hair like that, but my hair just waves and wiggles all over the place It would look like that for perhaps half a day before the waving and wiggling started. So I have to have a choppy untidy cut which looks as if I have been through a hedge backwards, then when it waves and wiggles it doesn't look any different. Nice jumper too by the way.

I'll send you some birds jno - we spend a fortune all year round and t hey never go away and leave us. It goes a bit quieter when they have young in the nests though. The feeders (loads of them) that I filled up to the top on Monday are almost empty and the fat balls have totally gone, as have the peanuts and the niger seed. On top of that they get a bowl full of stuff every morning.

Waves to Woofy and Robi.

Am shortly off out again after a shower and having some lunch - have a list full of places I have to go this afternoon - all boring (but I might treat myself
to a coffee while I am out!!) x
That isn't me wearing my hair, it's some old passerby!!

The old jumper has had half the collar cut off as I cannot stand things round my neck, it never goes out of the hosue!!!!

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