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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Just back from walking and coffeeing in village, absolutel,y persisting, so Mr N, hija and I are going out for a menu of the day lunch, scrummy!!

I wore my wellies, and a pakamac, looked dreadful, never again!
I was the only person sitting out the cafe having a coffee, no one else around, "Mad dogs and Englishmen eh?"
"ex's name was well known around Derby"

well, there's high praise :-)

World-famous in Grimsby
Jus tback from lunch and from raiding the English shop of choccie bars (Fudge, peppermint, etc) Hija and I in separate rooms, central heating blaring out full blast and Mr N in front room watching golf, I love these days!!

Decides to <thwack> Robi anyway for being a pipsqueak!!
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Ooooh, it's perishing, the wind goes right through to your interlocks

hmmm, not a cool look the walk of shame ...

Funny you mention Grimsby jno, I've just bought some prawns from the Thursday fish van but I suspect they never go near the place...just eaten them in a butty,lovely they were.

Famous in Derby was as much as I could handle, I could never live with a real celebrity
Robi I didn't look that good!

Am now tucked up in bed with wristwarmers, thick cuddly pjs, thick sox, and a bobble hat, it is really cold here, but it's the damp in the houses that make it worse.
Robi, did he ever work for Trent radio (or radio Trent) with Kid Jensen or Golly Gallagher, I knew them when they were disc jockeys in the 70's
very parky here, though I have not yet resorted to the wristwarmers or put the slippers in the microwave. Lovely wedding photos, everfyone. So young and full of hope... sigh... Not sure where mine are but I won't be publishing them.
oh pakamacs, there's a blast from the past. We were required to have a grey one as part of the school uniform till the sixth form. All three of us went to the same school and between the three of us we had one. Big sis handed it down to middle sis and she and I shared it (sorry miss I must have left it at home on snap kit inspection days (yes we had those, and skirt measuring) you had to produce it the next day.) then it became all mine when middle sis left. Its a good job they never unfolded them at kit inspection because it was all crumbly.
DH went bounding off biking this morning without a care in the world. 3 months ago a night up and down would have left him exhausted the next day :-)
I wondered about the chips too...we've got a fryer but it only gets pulled out on high days and holidays as it used loads of oil.
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No neti, not radio work as such. I can't remember if Kid J came to the club where he dj'd & compered. He had one young guy working for him who is now a BBC sports presenter. I always knew he'd make it & you couldn't wish to meet a nicer person.

mmm, young and full of hope. I never looked far into the future (obviously) and I still don't in many respects. Not that fond of looking back too often either...I'm more of a go with today, maybe next week, perhaps next month at a push. I hate plans & arrangements & anyone who's got then next 2 years + all mapped out would scare me to death.
I've told my sister that if I should ever get married again she can expect to hear about it the day after...or maybe a few days before if I'm feeling sociable :o) (I don't intend to but never say never).
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pacamacs, ugh..the rain ran down & you ended up with soggy socks & chapped knees :o)
yup Robi that's why we never used it.
I was born in can do the sums
I don't mind DH's breathing its the long pause and snort that keep me awake...don't mind the dogs breathing gets a bit much when shughy howls in his sleep though.
That solved the age thing for me then. I'm definitely the oldest except maybe Dolly could be older than me. If she isn't older than me then Robi is The Founder of the Biddies and I'm The Matriarch :o) so you'll have to behave yourselves if I am.. I know I'm the oldest in the Close where I live.
I remember pacamacs but refused to wear one even when going to work on my bike. When I was nursing we were given a uniform which included a belted raincoat and a hat which was better than a pacamac which I would only wear when I was walking on holiday and away from Derby.
I'm off out tonight to see my niece who's birthday is today. She's actually my great niece. She's going to be an actress at the rate she's going. Ha Ha.
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In that case Jude can you please wallop neti with your carpet beater for calling me a pipsqueak..
In our early married days those cagoules with the white stripes down the sleeves were everywhere, particularly on the coast, and we made a pact...or was it a pacapact! :o) never ever have one. About 10 years ago or so I gave in & bought one but it was good quality with an interactive fleece. He came round & saw it on the back of the chair one's ok, the day will arrive when he wears socks and sandals :o)
Lol Robi...On second thoughts I just can't bring myself to wallop anyone so just get on and do what yer want and enjoy yerselves. But Neti just consider yerself told off!!..
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well I've never walloped anyone either ....but there've been times I'd have loved to :o)
I jammed a wastepaper basket over the head a girl at school and made her nose bleed .
The shame ,the shame .
She pulled my hair once too often .
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haha, I shouldn't laugh but I love it shaney! I must try it sometime....a metal one hammered on with a rolling pin would give maximum satisfaction :o)

Hope Mr S has a lovely birthday tomorrow, give him a sloppy kiss from all the biddies!...go easy on the gin! I noticed Banrock wine is on offer at the co-op...I almost abandoned the shopping & bought a few bottles. I could have sat on the bench & guzzled myself legless :o)
Oooh, I have wallaped, I have walloped Mr LL, thrown a very heavy jacket potato at him, thrown a soup bowl at him (no soup in it) and poured a couple of glasses of wine over his head at posh functions. I wonder why he married me!! I was volatile and he drove me to it!!! I told you we have fought in our time.

(Not really heavy wallops!!)
I have never walloped anybody else though!!

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