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Good night to-night

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Doc Spock | 23:25 Fri 31st Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
19 Answers
no rows no arguments, I think the pills are finally taking effect.

Soon be Autumn, are you looking forward to it, summer has been crap, so why not.


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Yes,i love the autumn.I like the dark evenings.
Not looking forward to autumn Doc I don't like the cold weather at all . Night night :-)
Hmm I like all seasons for different reasons really!
Gutted we didnt have much of a summer though even though i dont tend to go out in the sun lol!
I think this summer has been WONDERFUL. I hate heat. Mind you I don't mean the floods, they were horrible for lots of people obviously, but the summer has been bearable this year.
Oh, and yes you're right Doc, it has been a good night tonight!
its going to be a long winter as the summer has been yuck
I love Autumn, and the nights drawing in. (Night night bigmamma!) It's nicer after a proper summer though, when it's been hot and the weather starts to cool down. Misty mornings with it all!
Night Doc
I love autumn except for the darker mornings and evenings. October has to be the best month so I'm looking forward to it.
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not finished yet, just uploading stuff for youtube.

Keep smiling pirate.
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aw leg, wish I was there.
I love autumn but would have liked a bit of summer. Autumn and Winter have their own attractions like trees with lovely colours, like bonfire night....Hot potatoes, treacle toffee, parkin. Christmas is ok I like shopping so buying pressies for people is good retail therapy. I am not much in favour of the dark days when I close my curtains at 4.00pm and feel like I am the only person in the world still alive. Anyway is it only 16 weeks to Christman, well there you go something to look forward to....I must hunt out the cards left over from last year I'm sure they are in a drawer somewhere. Have I got your addresses, well if I haven't you won't get a card, so don't blame me.
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plus a good exchange rate
makes me wonder why we all aren't there lol
just cost me 50 quid for a few hours out tonight
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lol legend
just went for a chinese and a beer or two
be orf to halkidiki soon
hope they got the fires under control
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Good night to-night

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