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Muslims good for the UK?

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flipnflap | 20:19 Sat 12th Apr 2008 | News
124 Answers
Can anyone tell me what good / positive things Muslims have done or do for the UK?


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My humble suggestion to the people who do not know about Islam, is that Islam is not only a religion. Islam is a way of life. People who are talking about fall of Britain what do they really mean by fall. If fall means the end of binge drinking, yob culture, record level teenage pregnancy, broken families, almost half of population without knowledge about their biological father and so many other things. If these things will finish then is it good for the society or bad. I don't think this is British culture and fall of these things should be considered fall of Britain.

Cazza & Stoke - I respect your words about Amir Khan, I would say that Muslims believe that respect and disrespect is in the hands of Allah and we say �in the name of Allah most merciful and gracious� known as �Bismillah� before any things. Trust me even if someone says same as Christian then at least I would have no problem with that. Because anyone can be loyal to his religion as well as to country and society.
World War 111 , bring it on !!
To all those on here who honestly believe that Islam is peaceful and it's only those on the fringes of it who are extremists, I believe that you really do not know what you are talking about. The extremists are the 'real' muslims. If you doubt this, go to It's a website run by ex-muslims who have learned of Islam's true goals. Here a quick quote...
'We came to see that Islam is a hoax, an imperialistic ideology, disguised as religion, invented by a narcissist for his own personal gains. We found out that Muhammad was a conman, a ventriloquist who projected his own words into his imaginary dummy deity to fool the gullible. With a promise of a carnal and orgiastic paradise (just for men) and threat of hell he goaded his foolhardy followers to raid and slay innocent people under pretext that they were infidels. He and his merry band of terrorists looted villages and cities, raped the women, and enslaved all who were not killed outright. To this day, Muslim jihadis are following the footsteps of their prophet who bragged, "I have been made victorious with terror" . No other cause is responsible for more deaths than Islam.'
I think no-one disagrees that certain fanatical Muslims here in the UK have called for an Islamic Britain, and because the so called peace loving members of this religion don't say anything, because they are either scared, or silently support it, the fanatics voices are getting stronger, and pulling more members into their way of thinking.

on a more personal note, a quote from the the Sayings of Mohammed says, 'On Judgement Day, all the Rocks and Trees will shout, There's a Jew behind me, come and kill him'.

Islam is not just a religion, its a death cult.

Keyplus90 - You state, in order to prove Islam is peaceful that, 'the one who kills one person, is as he killed whole human kind and the one who saves one person, is as he saved whole human kind.'
This sounds very commendable doesn't it? However, it is a deceipt. You have not quoted the whole sentence have you? The full quote is, "We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people."
So it's wrong to kill someone unless they themselves have committed murder or spread 'mischief'. So what's 'mischief'?
Qur'an 5:33 which is clearly tied to 5:32 to create a single message, Muhammad makes clear that those 'mischief makers', i.e. the Infidels (Jews, Chrisians, pagans, all non-Muslims) are to be killed.
So in reality, it's okay for Muslims to kill those who have themselves committed murder or if they are Infidels. Basically, Muslims can legitimately kill anyone who isn't a Muslim and that's okay and sanctioned by the Qur'an.
So Islam is peaceful is it? I rather think not.
NOTHING only cause trouble, harrasment seosxm, racism, rape. murder, child battery and rape. I HATE THEM ALL.
Further reading for those who are interested...
-- answer removed --
Birdie - do you think Christians are evil and what are your thoughts about the Bible?

Maybe you can also explain why Pakistan (or to give its full title the Islamic Republic of Pakistan) has the nuclear bomb but still not has used it - in fact the 'Christian' west are the only ones who have used it and also seems to be the ones who go into other countries to impose their will.
Birdie 1971 � Muhammad (pbuh) you called him conman. Yes he was a conman. Because he sorted those people out who used to bury their girls alive, who used to kill people for a sack of water, who used to kill each other for a single camel. After Muhammad (pbuh) coned them they produced pioneers of medicine, sociology, humanity and so on. According to you Muslims killed in thousands, But I can not understand why when Muslims left Spain after ruling over 900 years and India after 500 years there were still majority none muslims in those areas. Indonesia which is now the largest Muslim country in the world, people there accepted Islam only when they noticed that the same tradesmen who used to come from Arabia and sell them all the dodgy items stopped doing that all of sudden and became so truthful even about the faults of their merchandise. Yes they were coned by Muhammad (pbuh) and they became honest. Otherwise you look in the history books and give me one reference that when and where an Islamic army invaded Indonesia.

Ok now about your 5:33 from Quran. There were few people who were sick and were brought to Muhammad (pbuh). After they were treated and got better, one day they killed the person who was looking after them and took 15 camels which used to feed them (milk). This verse came for them. Yes they were killed because they killed an innocent person. And yes Islam does believe in capital punishments to deter people from killing, or you tell me if someone kills your daughter or son what would you recommend for him.

About 5:32 I would say that you should go and read one verse before that 5:31 with open heart and mind and come back and tell me. Because it is not right to look at the result and not the reason. However if you would not be able to find anything then let me know and I would tell you.

At the end I would say that people like you only see a handful people in a tabloid or on TV, and make your mind up. Apart from 9/11 and 7/7 how many terrorist acts do you know where Muslims were involved. Give me the proven records and not the media summersault. Even about 9/11 now many knows who really was behind that. In the end I would say neither Hitler and Mussolini were Muslims nor Bush and Blair. You do not have to be rocket scientist to see who has and is killing more innocent people. But still I would say that religions do not say about killing innocent, it�s the people who manipulate religion for their own ill doings.

Just like the website you gave faith freedoms. This is a well known website from the people who did not like Islam because Islam does not allow, alcohol, adultery, homosexuality and so many other things. Now again just google it and find out the consequences of all these social problems because you may not believe me. So they decided to free the faith. There is difference between Islam and other religions (due respect to all), In Islam rulings are given by God and not the priests. No one in Islam can legalise what God has declared illegal.
Lonnie - 'On Judgement Day, all the Rocks and Trees will shout, There's a Jew behind me, come and kill him'.

Can you give me a ref please where did you get this saying of Muhammad (pbuh).
I wouldn't know. I don't go round asking people what their religion is.

Here's a question - on the one hand we're told so many times how the Koran is almost a blueprint for global Islamic dominance, and on the other we're told how much moren religiously observant the average Muslim come Muslims in the UK aren't going around murdering the infidels every waking hour of their day?

It�s getting late now and I have to be up for work in the morning.
So briefly � Oneeyedvic � I think the Bible just as objectionable as the Koran; as to why Pakistan has a nuclear capability but hasn�t used it is fairly obvious � the Pakistanis don�t want to die. An independent nuclear strike on any country would provoke other countries to wipe out Pakistan. A nuclear deterrent is just that � a deterrent � �I won�t attack you if you don�t attack me�. By the way, I don�t think Muslims or Christians are evil at all. They just abide by the rules of their faith. If your faith says �you must kill so and so� then that doesn�t make them evil � just misguided.

Sp1814 � Muslims aren�t murdering non-Muslims on a day to day basis for the very obvious reason that they would wind up in prison. Most Muslims are law abiding citizens and wouldn�t dream of murdering anyone. Some Muslims have very little understanding of their own religion other than what they are indoctrinated with. Rather like Christians, they are told that their faith is good and non-violent but often don�t bother to check out the facts for themselves.

keyplus90- I shall reply tomorrow on your many varied rebuttals.

I'm going to bed.
Birdie � You reply me whenever you have the facts but let me ask you one more thing. You said Pakistan has a nuclear capability but hasn�t used it is fairly obvious � the Pakistanis don�t want to die. An independent nuclear strike on any country would provoke other countries to wipe out Pakistan.. Now tell me when Americans fired two nuclear bombs to Japan why other countries did not wipe out America if they are just.

Instead we ask Japan to apologize officially almost ever year when we celebrate war memory day for war crimes committed by Japanese against prisoners of war, in other words soldiers. Have we ever asked America to apologize to all the people killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki who were surely not soldiers and where people are still suffering because of radiation.
A recent survey in Canada asked the following question:

Are there too many foreigners in this country now ?


20%: YES

10% : NO

70% :معهد الأمن العالمي بواشنط

Does this help.

Anticipating the predictable replies, I opted to supply the silliest answers I could think of. Unfortunately you didn't notice.
Keyplus90 � You make a lot of points. Many of which are completely irrelevant. I shall, however, address the salient points.

�According to you Muslims killed in thousands� � Actually not according to me � it�s in the Koran. Mohammed lead his followers in numerous raids where innocent people were routinely slaughtered - "O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred; if there are a hundred then they will slaughter a thousand unbelievers, for the infidels are a people devoid of understanding". Nice eh?

�..they were killed because they killed an innocent person�� No one is denying that Islam teaches that murderers should be killed. Many countries on earth have the death penalty for murder. However, that�s not the point of quoting from 5:33. The point was to show that in Islam it�s permitted to kill �mischief makers�. As stated before this means ANYONE who isn�t a Muslim.

With regards to your accusation that I only get my information from the TV, this is pathetic. I get my information from multiple sources � unlike yourself who has just the one source. I agree that Bush and his mates are killing innocent people but they are doing it because they are morally bankrupt morons with a lust to control the world�s oil production. They aren�t doing it because they have been told to do so by a book written in the middle ages.

As to you question as to why other countries didn�t retaliate against America when they dropped the nuclear bombs in Japan, the answer must be mind numbingly obvious even to you. No one else had those types of bombs in 1945. So how exactly would these other countries retaliate?

The bottom line is Islam promotes violence and aggression towards non-Muslims. That is irrefutable. It�s in the Koran. It�s the words of your God.

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